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词汇 stock
例句 Britain has now become a complete laughing stock in international sporting circles.英国如今成了国际体育界耻笑的对象。The grocery store took stock every week on Monday mornings.每星期一早晨,这家食品杂货店盘点存货。They broke into the shop and helped themselves to the stock.他们破门而入随心所欲地窃取店里的货品。Stock has been going missing from the stock room, and we're trying to find out who is responsible.仓库里不断丢失货物,我们在设法查出是谁干的。The vegetables can be left in the stock and blitzed with a hand blender. 蔬菜可以留在原汤里,用手执搅拌器打碎。We managed to ride out the stock market downturn.我们勉强熬过了股市低迷期。Customers can buy and sell stock at the touch of a button.顾客可以极快地买卖股票。Delicious potted shrimps and prawns were once the stock-in-trade of the harbourside cafe.美味的火锅虾曾经是海港周围咖啡馆的招牌菜。Mr. Hunter made a pile of money in the stock market.汉特先生在股票市场赚了一大笔钱。A buffer stock of grain was held in case of emergency shortages.谷物已有缓冲存货,以备突发短缺之需。He gave up trying to second-guess the stock market.他决定不再猜测股市行情。They have been accused of fraud and stock market manipulations.他们被控欺诈和操纵股市。The company is seeking a listing on the stock exchange. 这家公司正在争取上市。The computer brings the huge task of stock control down to more manageable proportions.计算机使繁重的存货管理工作变得比较易于操作。Toothpaste is stock merchandise in a drugstore.牙膏是杂货店里的常备商品。Property firms have taken a beating on the stock market.房地产公司在股市中遭受了损失。The world economy faltered and stock markets tumbled.世界经济衰退,股票市场暴跌。She really cleaned up last year in the stock market.去年,她在股市着实赚了大钱。I'm sorry, that swimsuit is completely out of stock in your size.对不起,那种游泳衣你的尺寸缺货。He reports an upward move in the stock market.他说股市上涨。The company's stock has shown consistent if unspectacular growth.那家公司的股票一直在涨,尽管涨幅不大。The company has been delisted from the stock exchange. 这家公司已被从证券交易所的名单里除名了。The company plans to raise money by issuing more stock.这家公司计划发行更多股票以筹集资金。His failure in stock speculation precipitated his ruin.证券投机的失败使他一下子破了产。 The stock market reversed course and closed with a modest gain.股市一改常规,以小幅上涨收盘。It was time to take stock of the situation.是时候统观一下形势了。We might as well stock up while we're here - it'll save us having to come back.我们既然到了这里就不妨多买点东西—这样我们可以省得再来一次。His policies became the laughing stock of the financial community.他的政策成了金融界的笑柄。He stood/stayed stock-still.他站着/保持一动不动。Pour in the chicken stock and rice.倒入鸡汤和大米。High-tech bellwethers led the decline in the stock market.高科技龙头股的下跌带动了股市的下滑。That item is out of stock, but we'll give you a voucher for 10 percent off any other item in the store.那种商品已售罄,但我们会给你一张优惠券,购买店里的其他任何商品可享受九折优惠。The stock market moved ahead slightly in active trading today.今天,股市在活跃的交易中略有增长。They bought out the business lock, stock, and barrel.他们买下了这家公司全部的股权。There's been some dilution in the stock's value.股票的价值有些缩水了。Melt butter into the stock.将黄油溶入汤料中。The news has knocked the stock market for a loop.这一新闻使股市受到了冲击。The fluky stock market makes shareholders nervous.易变的股票市场使持股票者紧张不安。Traders enter the amount of stock they want to buy or sell, and the computer calculates a price.交易者输入他们想要买卖的股票数量,电脑便会计算出一个价格。The store had children's shoes in stock.这家商店有现货童鞋。




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