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词汇 stare at
例句 She stared at a Chinese silk hanging on the wall.她凝视着墙上的一幅中国丝绸壁挂。Sonia stared at me with dislike and distrust.索尼娅瞪着我,满脸反感和不信任。I stared at him open-mouthed, unable to speak.我目瞪口呆地盯着他,一句话也说不出来。She stared at him with unabashed curiosity.她大胆好奇地盯着他看。The cat stared at him, malevolent and unblinking.那只猫恶毒地盯着他,眼睛一眨也不眨。She stared at the tranquil surface of the water.她凝视着平静的水面。He stared at her unbelievingly.他怀疑地盯着她。They stared at the gaping hole in the wall.他们盯着墙上的那个大洞。They stared at each other in consternation , not knowing what to do.他们惊愕地面面相觑,不知道如何是好。The two stared at each other in consternation.两人互相瞠目而视。She stared at the ring of sweat her glass had made on the counter.她盯着自己的酒杯在柜台上留下的一圈水珠看。She stared at him, her mouth hanging open.她死死盯着他,嘴巴半张着。Her new diamond engagement ring was on parade for all her friends to stare at.她的新订婚钻戒被展示给所有朋友端详。Violet stared at him with huge round eyes.维奥莉特瞪大着圆眼睛盯着他看。All the time I was talking to him he just sat and stared at the television.我在和他说话,他就一直坐着盯着电视机看。The security guard stared at us suspiciously.警卫怀疑地盯着我们。They stared at each other in dismay.他们忧虑地盯着对方。The students stared at me without comprehension.学生们不解地看着我。He stared at the burnt-out car in dumb disbelief.他望着烧毁的汽车,吃惊得说不出话来。Don't stare at me like that.别那样盯著我看。She stared at him a moment, then turned away.她凝视他片刻,然后转过脸去。Meg stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror.梅格凝视着她在卧室镜子中的映像。He pulled at his pipe and stared at the fire.他深深地吸着烟斗,并凝视着炉火。He stared at me out of those washed-out blue eyes.他用暗淡无神的蓝眼睛盯着我看。She stared at us with a stupid, bovine expression.她傻傻地盯着我们看。The little boy stared at the pregnant woman's rounded belly.小男孩盯着那个孕妇滚圆的大肚子看。She stared at him in amazement.她惊异地瞪著他看。Laura stared at him, absolutely speechless with rage.劳拉盯着他,气得完全说不出话来。She stared at him in astonishment.她吃惊地看着他。He stared at her in perplexity.他茫然地盯着她。She stared at the door till the grain of the wood grew blurry.她凝视着那扇门,直到门上的木纹变得模糊起来。Everyone stared at us curiously, wondering who we were.所有人都好奇地盯着我们看,想知道我们是谁。He stared at her severely.他神情严厉地盯着她。She stared at them in bewilderment and shock.她困惑而震惊地凝视着他们。Numb with terror, she stared at the departing marauders.她吓得呆若木鸡,眼睁睁地看着劫匪们离去。She stopped in the act of turning and stared at me.她转身时突然停下来盯着我。She stared at me unblinkingly. 她目不转睛地盯着我。She narrowed her eyes and stared at me. = She stared at me through narrowed eyes.她眯起双眼盯着我看。She stared at the burning embers for a long time.她久久凝望着那燃烧的余火。He stared at the empty page. The test was nearly over, and he hadn't managed to answer any of the questions.他呆呆地看着这空白的纸。考试快要结束了,而他却一个问题也没答出来。




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