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词汇 standing by
例句 British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary.英国和美国的战舰已准备好在必要时将本国公民撤离出去。He said that he was standing by what he said earlier.他说他坚持自己先前说过的话。She could not tell him the secret with her mother standing by.因为她妈妈在旁边,她不能把秘密告诉他。Two men were standing by the freshly dug grave.两个男人站在新挖好的坟墓旁。The lifting of the curtain disclosed a pretty house standing by the riverside.幕启后露出河边的一幢漂亮的房子。An ambulance was standing by in case anyone got seriously injured.一辆救护车随时待命,以防有人受重伤。Despite its financial problems, the company is standing by the no-redundancy agreement.公司尽管遇到了财务问题,但仍然信守不裁员的协议。As he rounded the curve he saw her standing by the gate.他拐弯的时候看见她站在大门口。His fans are standing by him.他的粉丝对他表示支持。He was standing by the pool, about to dive in.他站在水池边,准备头朝下跳入水中。A plane was standing by to take the hostages from the airport.一架飞机正在待命从机场接走人质。When we entered, he was standing by his desk.我们进去的时候,他正站在书桌的旁边。There were two witnesses who happened to be standing by when the accident happened.事故发生的时候恰好有两名目击者在场。They were standing by and watching the fight.他们站在一旁看打架。They may be loyally standing by their men, but they are also carving their own careers.她们也许忠诚地支持着自己的丈夫,但她们也在开创自己的事业。My brother had gotten the upper hand in their fight, but I was kept standing by if necessary.我弟弟在这场打斗中已占了上风,可我做好了随时冲上去的准备。Don't look now, but that man standing by the desk is Emma's new boyfriend.这会儿别看,站在书桌旁的那个男人是埃玛的新男友。A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signalling to me to pull over.一名警察站在路旁,示意我把车停在路边。She woke to see Ben standing by the window.她醒来时看到本站在窗边。I saw him standing by the window.我看见他站在窗边。A boat will be standing by in case of emergency.船只将做好准备,以免出现紧急情况。He risked a cautious glance over the wall, and saw a group of guards standing by the gate.他冒险从墙头小心翼翼地看出去,看到大门旁有一队卫兵站着。The Foreign Minister had a helicopter standing by to whisk him to the northern city of Afula.外交部长有一架直升机,随时待命迅速将他送往阿富拉北部城市。When I filled out the form she was standing by all the time.我填写表格时,她一直站在我身旁。The doctors are standing by their claim that they are not at fault.医生们仍然坚持声称他们并无过错。She was standing by the door, her blue robe hanging from her shoulders.她站在门边,蓝色的袍子从肩上披垂下来。There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve.巡逻车在街上守候,防暴警察也在一旁待命。Officers in full riot gear were standing by outside the police station.穿上全套防暴装备的警察在警察局外待命。She was standing by a pool, about to dive in.她站在水池旁边,正要往里跳。A crowd of people were standing by, waiting for an announcement.一群人站在旁边等待消息公布。The troops are standing by tonight.部队今晚处于戒备状态。




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