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词汇 stain
例句 His character is without stain.他的人品纯洁无瑕。I couldn't get the stain out. 我无法弄掉那个污渍。If the stain still doesn't shift, try this.如果污迹还擦不掉,那就试试这东西。I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain.我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。These carpets don't stain because they're impregnated with a special chemical.这类地毯不容易弄脏,因为是用特殊化学品浸渍过的。The grape juice left a stain on the carpet.葡萄汁洒在地毯上留下了污渍。There was a dark stain on the carpet.地毯上有块黑色的污点。There is not the slightest stain upon her reputation.她的名声洁白无瑕。He wore an old sweater with a coffee stain down the front.他穿着一件旧毛衣,前面有一片咖啡渍。The glass fell and a dark stain spread over the carpet.杯子掉下来,深色的污渍在地毯上浸开了。She heard a shot, then saw a dark-red stain spreading across his shirt.她听到一声枪响,然后看到暗红色的血迹染透了他的衬衫。I bought a bottle of stain remover, and it worked like magic.我买了一瓶去渍液,非常有效。I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off.我使劲擦这个污迹,看能不能将它去掉。He watched the dark stain spread over the gray carpet.他看着黑色的污迹在灰色的地毯上蔓延开去。He was discharged from the army without a stain on his character.他退伍时声誉完好。Water and other liquids can stain unprotected wood surfaces.水和其他液体会污损未加保护的木材表面。The coffee left a stain on his shirt.咖啡在他的衬衣上留下了污迹。You can usually get coffee stains out with a stain remover.使用去污剂通常能把咖啡迹去掉。That wine stain on my shirt has virtually disappeared.我衬衣上的那块酒渍几乎已经看不见了。The stain wasn't really noticeable.这个污点其实不那么明显。I tried using bleach to remove the stain, but without much effect.我试着用漂白剂除去污渍,但是没有多大效果。Be careful you don't stain the carpet.当心别把地毯弄脏了。The wine stain discolored the rug.酒渍使地毯变色。Do not rub the stain.不要擦这个污迹。There was a dark red stain on the carpet.地毯上有一处深红色的污迹。He tried a few things to remove the stain, but nothing worked.他用了几种东西试图除掉污迹,但都不管用。If the stain remains, soak overnight in biological detergent.如果污渍洗不掉,可放进加酶洗涤剂中浸泡一夜。The accusation left a stain that followed him the rest of his life.那项指控给他的余生留下了难以磨灭的污点。Why don't we hide that stain on the carpet with a scatter rug?为什么我们不用一张装饰小地毯盖住地毯上的污点?A bit of detergent should get that stain out of your collar.稍微用点洗涤剂可以去除你衣领上的污迹。There was a dark oval stain on the chair.椅子上有一块深色的椭圆形污渍。I need some more stain for the floor.我要给地板再上些颜色。I've tried everything under the sun on this stain, but I just can't get rid of it.我什么招术都试过了,就是没法把这块污渍去掉。Don't rub the wine stain. Blot it dry with a paper towel.不要用力擦葡萄酒渍,用纸巾把它吸干。Disposable stain stoppers are a nifty American invention.一次性去污剂是美国人一项不错的发明。She has a stain on her shirt.她的衬衫上有块污渍。This stain remover really works - it's amazing!这种去污剂很有效——真想不到!If you don't wash your shirt right away, the stain will set. 如果你不马上洗,衬衫上面的污渍就洗不掉了。The stain is practically out now; one more do should remove it entirely.现在污渍已经看不大出来了,再仔细洗一下就可以完全洗掉。Where did that stain on the carpet come from?地毯上的那块污渍是怎么弄上的?




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