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词汇 belly
例句 He yanked up his coat to display a wound on his belly.他把外衣向上一拉,露出了腹上的伤疤。The crew finally landed the plane on its belly.机组人员终于使飞机以机腹着地降落下来。You really should do something about that pot belly of yours.你的肚子那么大,真该采取点行动了。He developed the swollen belly and jaundiced skin of terminal liver failure.他在肝功能衰竭晚期出现了腹部肿胀和皮肤黄疸。He's so fat, his belly hangs over his shorts.他太胖了,大肚子都垂在了短裤腰上。A cold belly of fog was advancing down the highway.寒雾的前锋正沿着公路向前侵袭。Larry was just a regular guy: short, with a pot belly and moustache.拉里就是个普普通通的家伙:个子矮矮的,挺着大肚子,留着一撮小胡子。I had my belly-button pierced.我在肚脐上穿洞眼。The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.制服上装中间的纽扣在他的肚子上绷得紧紧的。Are the schools to belly up tomorrow?明天学校都关门大吉吗?He walked his fingers along the baby's belly.他的手指迈步似的顺着婴儿的肚子移动。The whole project went belly up.整个项目完蛋了。The show provided lots of belly laughs.这场表演时不时地引得观众捧腹大笑。He construed the adjective as signalling the three days that Herakles spent inside the dark belly of the monster.在他看来,这个形容词代表了赫剌克勒斯在怪兽黑洞洞的肚子里待的那三天。What shall he fill his belly withal?他将用什么来填饱他的肚子呢?I need to lose this flab on my belly!我要减掉肚子上的赘肉!Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh.每一次插科打诨都引来一阵开怀大笑。Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging.吉罗腆着肚子,摇摇摆摆地走过来。The little boy stared at the pregnant woman's rounded belly.小男孩盯着那个孕妇滚圆的大肚子看。She felt the child in her belly kick.她感觉到肚子里的孩子在踢腿。Kayla lifted up her shirt to expose her round belly.凯拉撩起衬衫,露出她的圆肚皮。She punched him in the belly.她用拳头猛击他的腹部。He has an infectious belly laugh.他的开怀大笑富有感染力。She did a belly flop into the pool.她以肚子先着水的姿势跳入池中。She laid her hands on her swollen belly.她把双手放在肿胀的腹部。The snake crawls on its belly.那条蛇匍匐而行。He punched me in the face/nose/mouth/eye/belly.他一拳打在我的脸/鼻子/嘴/眼睛/肚子上。The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway.机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地。I was awakened with terrible cramps in my belly.一阵剧烈的腹痛把我痛醒了。I crawled on my belly in the lee of a stone dyke.我在一条石堤的掩蔽下匍匐前进。He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.他又矮又胖,挺着个大啤酒肚。Neither of the candidates has a fire in his belly, so it's hard to get excited about them.这两名候选人都没有雄心壮志,很难看好他们。It would launch from the belly of a large aircraft.它将从一架大飞机的机舱发射出去。Zack slithered along on his belly.扎克匍匐前行。I noticed that my belly had drastically reduced in size.我注意到我的肚子小了不少。His belly jiggled like a bowlful of jelly.他的肚子像满碗果冻般微微颤动。Muscle spindles are found within the belly muscles and run in parallel with the main muscle fibers.腹肌里有肌梭,它们与主要肌纤维平行。The team went belly-up in the play-offs.这个队在附加赛中失败了。He fell asleep with a full belly and a happy heart.他吃饱喝足后心满意足地睡着了。The belly of the aircraft was painted red.飞机底部漆成红色。




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