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词汇 assistants
例句 The lab assistants wear long white coats.实验室助手穿着白色的长外套。She had her assistants do the spadework in preparation for the trial.她让助手做审判前艰苦的准备工作。The coach shook things up by hiring new assistants.教练通过聘请新助理进行队伍整顿。Teaching assistants have time to help the slower pupils.教学助理有时间帮助学得比较慢的学生。A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly.一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试,直到其达至理想工作状态。From appearing and disappearing assistants to birds materializing out of thin air, the master of magic amazes his audience.从助手的出现和消失,到凭空变出几只鸟,魔术大师让观众惊奇不已。The plastic rings help the sales assistants to keep a tally of the number of garments customers have taken into the changing rooms.这些塑料环有助于营业员记录被顾客拿进试衣室的衣服的件数。Two of the shop assistants were complaining loudly within earshot of the customers.其中两名店员就在顾客能听到的地方大声地抱怨着。The assistants price the items and stack them on the shelves.售货员给商品标价,然后把它们叠放到货架上。The merchandise is attractively displayed and the assistants are friendly and helpful.商品陈列得很漂亮,店员态度友好,服务周到。I found the sales assistants most unhelpful.我觉得这些销售员一点也帮不上忙。He hurried off, his assistants trotting after him.他匆匆走开了,他的助手一路小跑跟在后面。She was one of those really snooty sales assistants that you often find in expensive shops.她是那种目中无人、特爱摆谱的营业员,属于你在高档商店里经常能见到的那类人。The shop assistants didn't really want to discuss the matter, saying it was just my hard luck.店员们其实并不想谈论此事,说那只是我运气不好。Most of the graft was done for them by their assistants.大部分艰苦的工作都是由他们的助手做的。The university offers tuition remission to teaching assistants. 那所大学免除担任助教的研究生的学费。In accepting the award, she mentioned the sterling work of her assistants.领奖时,她提到了助手们出色的工作。I have several irons on the fire; I have some useful assistants.我同时有好几件事要干;我有几个得力的好帮手。Sales assistants are often on the receiving end of verbal abuse from customers.售货员经常遭到顾客的辱骂。Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.很多人事经理最初是从秘书或人事助理做起,然后慢慢升上去的。Her assistants get only a passing mention at the end of the article.文章只在结尾处提了一下她的助手们。She's attended by several assistants.她身边有几个助手相伴。They are very good assistants, very discreet - they wouldn't go talking to the press.他们都是很好的助手,非常谨慎——不会向新闻界透露什么的。The shop assistants didn't take a blind bit of notice of the queue of customers waiting to be served.店员们无视等候服务的顾客排起的长龙。She tried to persuade people not to patronize the store until it agreed to hire black assistants.她试图劝说人们不要去那家商店买东西,除非这家店同意雇用黑人店员。The two assistants carried on chatting, taking no notice of the customers.两名售货员继续聊天,丝毫没有注意顾客。The assistants were handling their responsibilities in the only way they could.助理们用他们唯一能用的办法去应对任务。The vet was increasingly busy and had to engage two new assistants.这位兽医越来越忙,不得不聘请两名新助手。She's constantly followed by obsequious assistants who will do anything she tells them to.她身后总跟着一群谄媚的助理,对她言听计从。A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism.一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试。The shop assistants leave you to yourself to try things on.店员让顾客自行试穿衣服。The coach's assistants stood along the field and scrutinized every move we made.教练的助手们站在球场上,审视我们的每一个动作。I have two assistants who help with the admin.我有两个助手协助经营。Some people let their assistants handle the mail.有些人让助手处理邮件。He was able to survive the scandal only because he had several clever assistants who ran interference for him.他能从丑闻中脱身,多亏了他的几个聪明的助手给他打了掩护。All the sales assistants are run off their feet. The shop ought to take on more staff.营业员全都忙个不停,商店里应该增加人手。




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