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词汇 assimilated
例句 They should be assimilated into the local culture.他们应该融入当地文化。She was thoroughly/completely assimilated to/into her new country. 她已完全适应了她的新国家。The laws of the defeated country were assimilated to those of the stronger country.战败国的法律被强国的法律所同化。Italian immigrants assimilated easily into Brazilian society.意大利移民轻松地融入了巴西社会。French Jews generally had been assimilated into the nation's culture.法国的犹太人已经融入这个国家的文化。In this form vitamins can be easily assimilated by the body.在这种形态下,维生素非常易于身体吸收。Refugees find it difficult to become assimilated into the community.难民发觉难以融入社区。The few English people who are in the region have been assimilated into French culture.该地区不多的几个英国人已全为法国文化所同化。Some rocks are stoped and assimilated more readily than others.有些岩块较另一些岩块更易受顶蚀作用而被同化。A few have assimilated easily into the system they once rebelled against.少数人很容易地被他们曾反抗过的制度同化了。The fat in goat's milk is more easily assimilated and digested.山羊奶中的脂肪更容易吸收和消化。Picasso assimilated an amazing variety of techniques in his art.毕加索在他的画作中融合了大量不同的艺术技巧。Newcomers to the company are soon assimilated into the culture.新来的员工很快就为企业文化所同化。The laws of the defeated country were assimilated to those of the victorious nation.战败国的法律被改得与战胜国的法律一模一样。America has assimilated millions of immigrants.美国同化了千百万移民。Many new immigrants have not yet assimilated fully into the new culture.许多新移民还没有充分融入新的文化中。Many of these religious traditions have been assimilated into the culture.这些宗教传统有许多已经融入了文化当中。The Romans gradually assimilated the culture of the people they had conquered.罗马人逐渐吸收了他们所征服的民族的文化。




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