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例句 A detachment of soldiers was called to assist the police.一支特遣小分队奉命支援警方。The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you.当局会派一名义工来帮助你。I'd be only too pleased to assist you.我很乐意帮助你。The family decided to assist me with my chores.全家人决定帮助我做家务。The public is urgently requested to assist police in tracing this man.紧急要求公众帮助警方追踪此人。I would be happy to assist you.我很乐意帮助你。Matt would remain behind to assist Helen.马特留下来协助海伦。A British contingent was sent to assist the security forces.一队英国士兵被派去协助安全部队。I succeeded with an assist from my parents.我在父母的帮助下获得了成功。In this position, you will assist in training new employees.这个职位是协助培训新来的员工。An online résumé allows you to use the Internet to assist you in your job hunt.在线简历助你利用因特网找工作。Sometimes, forceps are placed on the baby's head to assist delivery.有时会用产钳夹住婴儿头部两侧来助产。The officer will assist in training and information dissemination.军官将在训练和情报传播方面提供帮助。The doctor will continue to assist through counselling.医生将通过咨询继续提供帮助。The Governor has now called in the National Guard to assist the cleanup operation.总督已经调动了国民卫队协助清剿行动。A consultant has been brought in to assist management in restructuring the company.请了一名顾问协助管理层对公司进行重组。Their company leads the world in developing new technology to assist people with disabilities.在开发帮助残疾人的新技术方面,他们公司居于世界领先地位。I am very willing to assist if needed.如果需要,我非常乐意提供帮助。A set of guidance notes is provided to assist applicants in completing the form.有一系列注意事项,指导申请人填写表格。A member of our ground staff will assist you.我们的一个地面工作人员会协助你。The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you.管理局会派一名福利工作者协助你。The new technique will assist rapid identification.这项新技术将有助于快速识别身份。The guide is written to assist consumers in choosing the best insurance plan.编写这本手册是为了帮助消费者选择最好的保险计划。I was looking for a backer to assist me in the attempted buy-out.我想全部收购,正在寻找能够赞助的人。She offered to assist with the marketing of the product.她主动提出帮助推销该产品。The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.慈善团体发出了为地震灾民募捐的号召。Ventricular assist devices may be fitted in cases of severe heart failure which cannot be controlled by other means.如果有严重心力衰竭而无法用其他手段控制,可以植入心室辅助装置。Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection.这里是一些有价值的信息来源,可以帮助你作出最佳选择。We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.我们来这里保护、帮助年迈体弱者。He had to assist her in opening the gates.他不得不帮她打开各道门。She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown.不知什么缘故她不肯出席招待会。A suit was filed for failure to assist a person in danger.一场诉讼被提起,原因是未能对身处危险的人提供救助。The bank will assist clients with home loan applications.这家银行会帮助客户申请住房贷款。The government has announced a package of measures to assist affected areas.政府宣布了整套帮助受影响地区的措施。The IT department will assist you with installation and setup.信息技术部会协助你进行安装和调试。You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment.你将受聘协助开发新设备。Tiny organisms that live in the soil assist the process of decay.生活在土壤中的微生物加快了腐化过程。The Postmaster had come out with great obsequiousness to assist at this examination.邮政局长对协助这次检查表现得极为顺从。Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.候鸟借助气流完成它们向南方的长途迁徙。We'll assist you at every stage from inception to completion.我们会从头到尾一直帮助你。




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