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词汇 spread over
例句 A flush spread over her face at the mention of his name.一提到他的名字,她就脸红了。The economic unrest spread over several years.经济的动荡不安延续了数年之久。The payments are spread over a period of six years.应付款项要在六年内分期还清。The drought has spread over much of the southern US.干旱已蔓延到美国南方的大部分地区。One or two of the subjects she selected spread over into the following year.她选修的一两门课程延续到第二年研习了。My adviser's criticism has removed the veil spread over the wildness of my design, and convinced me that success is impossible.我的导师的批评揭开了盖在我的设计荒诞上的遮布,使我确信成功是不可能的了。The project should be spread over ten weeks.该工程必须延长十周才能完工。The job losses will be spread over a long period.失业现象还会持续很长一段时期。A gentle smile spread over her face.温柔的笑容在她脸上绽放。A thin-lipped smile spread over the captain's face.上尉脸上露出了淡淡的微笑。What he studied spread over many fields.他所研究的内容涉及许多领域。A gentle smile spread over her seamed face.她布满皱纹的脸上浮现出慈祥的笑容。His coat was spread over the bed.他的外套摊在床上。He had not moved from his chair at the desk where he slouched, arms negligently spread over his papers.他懒洋洋地坐在桌旁没有起身,双臂摊开随意地搁在文件上。The purple had spread over half the sky.紫红色遍染半边天。A relieved smile spread over his face.他脸上绽开了宽心的笑容。A funny look spread over his crimson map.一种滑稽的表情展示在他那张绯红的脸上。A thick layer of wax was spread over the surface.表面涂上了厚厚的一层蜡。A slow smile spread over her face.她脸上慢慢展露出笑容。A beam of happiness spread over her face.她脸上露出幸福的笑容。He watched the dark stain spread over the gray carpet.他看着黑色的污迹在灰色的地毯上蔓延开去。A sense of panic has spread over the country.举国上下一片恐慌。The crash left wreckage spread over a wide area.坠机残骸散落的范围很广。A slow, reminiscent smile spread over her face.怀旧的微笑慢慢浮现在她脸上。The glass fell and a dark stain spread over the carpet.杯子掉下来,深色的污渍在地毯上浸开了。The farm buildings are spread over a large area.那些农场建筑物占地甚广。A broad smile spread over Lucy's face.露西的脸上展露出一个大大的笑容。A blanket of gloom spread over the crowd when they realized their team would lose.当他们意识到自己的球队要输的时候,沮丧的情绪便在人群中蔓延开来。Most viruses are spread over the Internet.大多数计算机病毒是通过因特网传播的。She knocked over her glass, and a dark pool of wine spread over the tablecloth.她打翻了杯子,一滩深红色的葡萄酒在桌布上渗了开来。The army's regiments spread over the area in small garrisons.这支部队的许多团都分成小的卫戍部队分散部署在这个地区。




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