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词汇 spray
例句 If any of the spray goes onto the lawn it will scorch the grass.这种喷雾剂向草坪上轻轻一喷,就会使草枯黄。We parked the car by the sea and it got covered with spray.我们将汽车停在海边,汽车上溅满了浪花。The dog shook himself sending a spray of water into the air.狗晃了晃自己的身体,溅起的水花飞向空中。Do not use the spray in enclosed areas.不要在封闭区域使用此喷雾剂。If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper.要是木炭真的点不着,就喷些专门的液体喷剂,然后用长的点火捻把它点燃。A nasal spray or drops would ease your symptoms, but don't overuse them or further congestion could result.鼻腔喷剂或滴剂能减轻症状,但请勿使用过频,否则鼻塞可能会加重。If you use this nasal spray, your nose should clear.用了这种鼻腔喷剂,你的鼻塞就会好一点。The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。The police used pepper spray to bring the suspect under control.警方用辣椒喷雾剂制服了嫌犯。A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres.一个挂在拖拉机上的喷雾器可以把五加仑药液喷洒在十英亩土地上。He doesn't spray against pests or diseases.他喷药并不是为了防治病虫害。We had problems with mosquitoes, but this spray had the desired effect.我们这儿有蚊子侵扰,幸好这种喷剂效果很是理想。If he put his finger over the nozzle, he could produce a forceful spray.如果他用手指头按住喷嘴,就可以造成强力喷射。We were dripping wet from the spray.我们被喷得湿淋淋的。The paint was applied in a fine spray.这种漆是以细雾形式喷涂的。Don't forget to pack the insect spray.别忘了把杀虫剂装进去。A spray of salt water hit her in the face.飞溅的海水打在她的脸上。We saw a whale blowing a jet of spray high in the air.我们看见一头鲸将水柱高高地喷向空中。He spray-painted his name on the wall.他把自己的名字喷涂在墙上。The rope whipped clear of the water, throwing up a spray of droplets.绳子猛地甩过水面,带起一片水珠。A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit without putting on weight.尼古丁喷雾剂能够帮助吸烟者在不增加体重的同时戒烟。He adjusted the nozzle so that the water came out in a fine spray.他调节了一下喷嘴使水成雾状喷出。Confine the use of insecticides to the evening and do not spray plants that are in flower.只在晚间使用杀虫剂,而且不要对正在开花的植物喷药。The car splashed a spray of mud on me.这辆车溅了我一身泥。The water was rough and we were drenched by spray.浪很大,我们被水花溅湿了。This hair spray has made my hair stiff.这种发胶使我的头发变硬了。Use plenty of insect spray/repellent to keep the mosquitoes from biting you.使用大量杀虫剂/驱虫剂以免被蚊子叮咬。The wave showered spray over us.一个浪头打来,把我们溅得浑身是水。It's a new conditioner. Simply shampoo your hair, towel dry, and spray it in.这是一种新的护发素,洗净头发,用毛巾擦干后,把它喷上去就可以了。His chauffeur was cut down in a spray of machine-gun fire.他的司机在一阵机枪扫射中被撂倒。Farmers have to apply for permits to spray from the air.农民在申请得到许可后才能从空中喷洒农药。The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint.墙壁被用喷漆喷得一塌糊涂。A spray of gravel hit the car.飞起的碎石砸在汽车上。We went into the forest armed with food, extra clothes, and lots of bug spray.我们带着食品、额外几件衣服和许多防虫喷雾进了森林。Waves crashed on the rocks and spray flew up into the air.海浪拍打着岩石,水花飞溅到空中。She forgot about everything but the sun and the wind and the salt spray.除了太阳、风和盐雾,她什么都记不得了。The pesticides that farmers spray on their crops kill pests, but they can also damage people's health.农民在作物上喷洒的农药在杀死害虫的同时也会危害人们的健康。Don't overuse your nasal spray or drops, or further congestion could result.请勿过度使用鼻腔喷剂或滴剂,否则鼻塞可能会加重。A nasal/nose spray should help you breathe better.喷一下鼻喷剂有助于呼吸通畅。A spray of bullets tore into his car.一阵弹雨打穿了他的汽车。




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