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词汇 spend
例句 As for the children, they were happy enough to spend all day on the beach.至于孩子们,他们很高兴整天呆在沙滩上。We recoiled at the prospect of having to spend that much money to fix the car.一想到要花那么多钱修车,我们就退缩了。They would spend afternoons lolling around the swimming pool.他们会慵懒地坐在游泳池边打发午后时光。They were condemned to spend the rest of their lives in prison.他们被判终身监禁。She doesn't care to spend much time with her relatives.她不喜欢花太多时间跟亲戚们呆在一起。I don't want to spend ages discussing the rights and wrongs of all this.我不想浪费时间来讨论这一切的是与非。I seem to spend all my time washing and ironing these days.这些天我似乎把所有时间都花在洗衣服熨衣服上。I seem to spend most of my time these days reading e-mail.这些天我似乎大部分时间都在看电子邮件。Workers are under such stress right now, and they have less time to spend relaxing with their families.目前工人压力很大,与家人一起休闲的时间少了。You'd better spend your time on some worthwhile reading.你最好把时间花在读一些有价值的书上。I seem to spend half my life cleaning up after those kids.我似乎花了大半辈子时间跟在这些孩子身后收拾整理。As soon as I get paid, I squirrel some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it.我一发薪水,就存起来一部分,以免忍不住想花。It was tainted money, surely, and not hers to spend.无疑,这钱来得不干不净,不是她可以花的。Half the students spend all their time sitting round drinking coffee.一半的学生整日闲坐着喝咖啡。They wanted nothing more than to relax and spend their time together.他们不要别的,只想在一起轻松轻松。Have you planned how you're going to spend your prize money?你想过如何去花你的奖金吗?Flexible working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children.弹性工作时间可以让上班的父母有更多的时间和孩子们在一起。They spend their weekends messing around on their boat.他们在船上消磨他们的周末时光。The hours that I spend traveling to work really add up.我花在上班路上的时间加起来真不少。In order for me to spend three months on something it has to interest me personally.要想让我花三个月的时间来做什么事,那必须是我自己感兴趣的事。Neil and Chris try to spend the minimum amount of time on the garden.尼尔与克里斯想尽可能少花时间打理花园。I went to spend a few days at the seaside.我去海边待了几天。The twins spend all their time together.这对双胞胎总是呆在一起。What proportion of your income do you spend on food?食物支出占你的收入比重多少?Don't go overboard and spend a fortune.别冲昏了头花一大笔钱。Hopefully, Max would be able to spend a few days with them, depending on his heavy schedule.希望马克斯能从满档的日程中抽出时间和他们一起呆上几天。They were condemned to spend a fortnight of idleness at that lonely island.他们被迫在那个荒岛上闲了两个星期。Babies spend a good part of the day sleeping.婴儿一天内有大量时间都在睡觉。It's not necessary to spend a lot of money on clothes to look good.花很多钱买衣服打扮自己是没有必要的。If we have an important decision to make, we sometimes spend a whole day thrashing it out in a meeting.当我们要作重大决策时,有时会开一整天的会来商定。Adam doesn't spend enough time on his studies.亚当在学业上花的时间不够。He used to spend childhood summers with his grandparents.他小时候夏天都是和爷爷奶奶一起度过的。Back in Spain, we used to spend summer in the mountains.过去在西班牙,我们常常在山里过夏天。You spend too much time at home. You need to get out more.你待在家里的时间太多了,应该多出去活动活动。They spend quite a lot of money each week on eating out.他们每个星期花很多钱出去吃饭。They suggested that I spend a period of convalescence in the mountains.他们提议我到山里去疗养。They spend their days foraging for food around the city.他们整天在城里四处搜寻食物。That kind of person likes to spend money, it doesn't matter whose it is.那种人喜欢花钱,至于钱是谁的并不重要。We are divided as to where to spend our holidays.关于去哪里度假的问题我们意见有分歧。You could set up a trust so the children can't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age.你也可以设立一个信托,这样孩子们只有达到一定年龄才能动用遗产。




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