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例句 The film was never released theatrically in the US.这部电影从来没有在美国的影剧院上映过。We drove by the cinema to see what was playing.我们开车顺路去电影院看了看在上映什么。The book/movie comes out next month.这部书/电影将在下月出版/上映American films are showing at Moscow's cinemas.美国电影正在莫斯科各影院上映The film was banned as a result of protests by the Viewers Association and other so-called guardians of public morality.由于观众协会和其他所谓公共道德的卫道士提出抗议,这部影片被禁止上映The film is now playing in theaters across the country.这部影片正在全国各影院上映The movie is coming out in two months' time. 这部电影两个月后上映Spielberg's new blockbuster is currently playing at over 2000 theaters nationwide.斯皮尔伯格导演的最新大片目前正在全国两千多家电影院上映The picture hasn't played Europe yet.这影片还没有在欧洲上映过。A new Czech film has had its premiere at the Karlovy Vary film festival.一部捷克新电影在卡罗维发利电影节上首次上映All the films released this summer have been box-office bummers.今年夏天上映的电影都不卖座。The film, starring Robert Carlyle, has yet to open in the Far East.由罗伯特·卡莱尔主演的电影尚未在远东上映The unedited film was aired, complete with clapperboards at the start of each reel.这部影片未经剪辑就上映了,连每盘胶片开头场记板的镜头都没剪掉。What's playing at the theater/movies?剧院/影院正在演出/上映什么?Is there anything on at the Odeon?奥迪恩电影院在上映什么值得一看的电影吗? Now showing at a cinema near you!现在就在你住处附近的电影院上映Movies containing scenes of explicit sex are banned.有露骨性爱场景的电影禁止上映The movie begins/starts with a bang and never slows down.这部电影劲爆上映,并且势头一直不减。The plot of the new movie is brainless and the acting is terrible.这部新上映的电影情节设计拙劣,演员表演糟透了。Carrey's new comedy is due to be released in the US very soon.凯瑞的新喜剧片很快就要在美国上映The film/movie opens nationwide later this month.本月晚些时候,这部电影将在全国的影院上映The film is now on general release.这部电影现在上映了。The film, due to be released in the spring, is being eagerly anticipated by the critics.评论家正急切盼望着这部预计春季上映的影片。What's on for tonight at the cinema?今晚电影院上映什么片子? Tonight's feature is a new romantic comedy.今晚的电影是一部新上映的浪漫喜剧。Where is the film showing?这部影片在哪儿上映The movie is now showing in theaters across America.这部影片正在全美各影院上映The Retro Theatre is featuring films by Frank Capra this week.经典剧场本周上映弗兰克·卡普拉主演的影片。Watch out for his latest movie, out next month.请关注他的新片,下个月就要上映了。The film is now showing in theaters.这部影片正在各电影院上映Europe's divisions are the subtext of a new movie thriller called Zentropa.上映的惊悚电影《欧罗巴》背后的潜台词是欧洲的分裂。The new film is a sequel to the very successful comedy that came out five years ago.这部新影片是五年前上映的那部非常成功的喜剧的续集。A major new work by one of Poland's leading film directors will be shown next Saturday.由波兰一名大导演拍摄的一部新的大片将在下星期六上映There's a new film on at the cinema, but it's coming off on Sunday.电影院计划上映新片,不过要到星期天才开映。There's a good picture being shown.有一部好电影正在上映The film never got a theatrical release but went straight to video.这部电影从来没有上映过,而是直接制作成了录像带。His new film will be released in the autumn.他的新电影将于秋季上映It's a crime that this dreadful movie is still showing.这部糟糕的电影还在上映真是令人发指。The movie's release was ill-timed.这部影片的上映不合时宜。The release of the movie/album is scheduled for next month.这部电影/这张专辑计划下个月上映/发行。




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