例句 |
She wiped her floury hands on her apron.她在围裙上擦了擦沾满面粉的双手。You'd better apply some ointment to the cut.你最好在伤口上擦些药膏。He licked his fingers and wiped them on his shirt.他舔了舔手指,然后在衬衣上擦了擦。Higgins chalked his cue.希金斯往球杆头上擦巧粉。He wiped his hands on an oily rag.他在一块油腻的抹布上擦了擦手。She only had lipstick on her bottom lip which looked pretty weird.她只在下嘴唇上擦了口红,看上去很奇怪。He rubbed his palms against his jeans.他在牛仔裤上擦了擦手掌。She wiped her floury hands on a cloth.她把沾满面粉的双手在一块布上擦了擦。You should put some antiseptic on that cut.你应该在伤口上擦些防腐剂。She rubbed her hands on her apron.她在围裙上擦了擦手。 |