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词汇 上星期
例句 The president of France visited our country last week.上星期法国总统访问了我国。Sara wasn't at school last week, with the result that she missed an important test.萨拉上星期没上学,结果错过了一次重要测验。We were down in your neck of the woods last week.上星期我们到你们那一带去了。 The teacher tied in what he said with last week's lesson.教师把讲课内容与上星期的课结合起来。 Two cabinets were held in London last week.上星期在伦敦举行了两次内阁会议。He was in very low water when I saw him last week.上星期我见到他时他手头正紧。He was very ill last week but is now out of danger.上星期病得很重,但现在已脱离了危险。The post office issued the stamps last week.上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。This composition is a great improvement on the one you wrote last week.这篇作文比你上星期写的那篇进步了许多。The CEO resigned last week after a disappointing set of annual results.由于令人失望的年度财务状况,首席执行官上星期辞职了。A government conscription act was passed last week.上星期通过了一个政府征用法案。I've got to catch up: I was away last week.我要赶一下进度:上星期我没在。She was involved in a serious car accident last week.上星期她卷入了一场严重的车祸。I see he has backed down from the position he took last week.我注意到他放弃了上星期的立场。The roof used to leak but last week I fitted some new tiles and that seems to have solved the problem.屋顶以前漏水,不过上星期我安装了几片新的瓦片,问题好像就解决了。I'm sorry. Jim knows about last week's party. I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag.对不起,吉姆知道上星期聚会的事,恐怕我说漏嘴了。The photographs went on display last week.那些摄影作品上星期开始展出。I sent in a few job applications last week.上星期我寄出了几封求职信。The preceding week he had been on vacation.上星期他休假了。Rail bosses are in the firing line again following last week's accident.上星期的事故发生后,铁路公司的老板再次备受责难。Last week he revisited his old neighbourhood.上星期他再次探望了他的老邻居。He ran up against some old acquaintances last week.上星期他偶然遇到几个老相识。Spain last week and Germany this week - he gets around, doesn't he!上星期去西班牙,这星期去德国——他可真叫周游列国啊,是不是!He was given his cards last week.上星期被解雇了。I worked two hours of overtime last week.上星期我加班两小时。There will be an official investigation into last week's accident.将对上星期的事故展开官方调查。The painting went on exhibit last week.这幅画上星期展出过。Michelle was in great form at last week's conference.米歇尔在上星期的会议上状态很好。Last week a new comedy opened at the theatre.一出新的喜剧上星期在戏院开始上演。 I'm handing round a summary of last week's lecture.我要发给大家一份上星期课堂的摘要。He was deported from Britain last week.上星期他被英国驱逐出境。Last week, the price of food jumped.上星期食品价格突涨。Last week's inflation figures were a stunner.上星期通货膨胀的数字令人震惊。This statement is completely at odds with what was said last week.这一说法跟上星期所说的完全不一样。Jill resurfaced last week, after spending the past few months doing research in the library.吉尔数月来一直泡在图书馆里做研究,上星期才又露面。We actually got to meet the president when he was here last week.上星期总统来的时候,我们终于真的见到他了。The club took in a new member last week.俱乐部上星期又吸收了一名新会员。Last week's draw was a bad result for Arsenal, putting Manchester United ahead of them in the league.上星期的平局对于阿森纳队是个不好的结果,曼联队在联赛中领先了他们。More bad luck struck last week.上星期又发生了更多倒霉事。The trout fishing season opened last week.鳟鱼捕捞期于上星期开始。




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