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词汇 上方
例句 Our hotel room was directly above a construction site.我们在酒店住的房间就在建筑工地的上方Above his bed is a picture of two old men sitting on a park bench.他床头上方有一幅画,是两个老人坐在公园的一条长凳上。The lifeguard watched the swimmers from his perch above the pool.救生员从游泳池上方高高的坐位上注视着游泳的人们。Above him, in a niche on the wall, was a little statue.在他上方的壁龛里摆放着一座小雕像。An outsized photograph hung above her bedroom fireplace.一幅巨大的照片挂在她卧室的壁炉上方He had a nasty purple bruise over his eye.他的眼睛上方有一块难看的紫色淤伤。There was a drift of smoke above the trees.树林上方有一团烟雾。Even the mantel above the fire glowed white.即使是炉火上方的壁炉架也发出了耀眼的白光。The plane circled low over the airport.飞机在机场上方低空盘旋。Watch as the hummingbird hovers over the flowers.看那只蜂鸟在花朵上方悬停。Flags flapped in the breeze above their tents.微风中,旗子在他们帐篷上方飘动。They put a bucket of water on top of his door as a booby trap.他们在他的门上方放了一桶水捉弄他。They hung a mobile over the baby's bed.他们在婴儿床的上方悬挂了一个活动的装饰物。Make a slit in the top of the pie before baking.烤馅饼之前在馅饼上方切一道细长的口子。They peered over the edge of the roof.他们盯着屋檐上方看。The male has a distinctive white stripe above the eyes.雄性的眼睛上方有一道突出的白条纹。A plane was flying low over the trees.一架飞机从树木的上方低空掠过。We looked up at the rocky peaks towering above us.我们抬头看高高耸立在我们上方岩石嶙峋的山峰。He was staring into the mirror above him.他盯着在他上方的镜子。I gazed up at the domed ceiling arching overhead.我抬头凝望着上方弧形的穹顶。The inscription above the door was in English.上方的文字是用英文刻印的。A crack had started to appear just above the light on the ceiling.灯具上方的天花板上已经出现了一道裂缝。Herringbone the sides in place, above the mitred corner.用人字形图案把斜接角上方的两面适当装饰一下。There is a clock above the fireplace.壁炉上方有一口钟。The accident left her with an ugly gash above the left eye.那次事故在她左眼上方留下了一条难看的又深又长的伤口。She shaded her eyes from the sun with her hand.她用手遮在眼睛上方挡阳光。There was a big sign above the entrance.入口的上方有一块很大的标牌。The whip cracked over the horses' heads.鞭子在马头上方噼啪抽响。Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。A likeness of her son hung above the mantel.她儿子的照片挂在壁炉架上方The camera zoomed in on a picture above the fireplace.摄像机镜头拉近对准壁炉上方的一张图片。There are timber arch braces above the front doors.前门上方有木拱支撑。The deck cantilevers over the gully.平台像悬臂一样伸在溪谷上方We hung a mirror over the fireplace.我们在壁炉上方挂了面镜子。An outsize photograph hung above her bedroom fireplace.她卧室的壁炉上方挂着一副巨大的照片。The animal is easily distinguishable by the black stripes above its eye.这类动物很容易通过其眼睛上方的黑色条纹识别出来。A cupola admits light from above.圆顶阁让光线从上方照进来。She poised her pencil above the paper and waited for the signal to begin writing.她在纸的上方握住笔,等信号一发出即刻动笔。The soldiers were ordered to fire over the heads of the crowd.士兵们奉命朝人群的上方开枪。He had a bruise just above his left eye.就在他左眼的上方有一块瘀伤。




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