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词汇 soon after
例句 The interpolation appears to have been inserted very soon after the original text was finished.插补文字似乎是在原文完成后不久被补充进来的。A strong wind sprang up soon after we left the harbour.我们出港后不久就刮起了大风。It's not wise to risk traveling so soon after surgery.手术后没多久就冒险旅行是不明智的。The clock in the church struck twelve, and soon after people began to stream out.教堂的钟敲响了十二点,不久人们便开始鱼贯而出。The bomb alert was raised soon after midnight.刚过子夜,防空警报就拉响了。Their offstage relationship ended soon after the play closed.这部戏结束不久,他们的幕后恋情就终结了。They set off soon after breakfast.他们吃完早餐不久就出发了。The fish stopped taking soon after breakfast.早饭后不久,鱼儿就不再上钩了。It was very tasteless. Fancy talking like that so soon after his death.这真是太不得体了。真想不到在他尸骨未寒时就那么说话。It's not decent to get married again so soon after your husband has died.你丈夫死了没多久就要再结婚,这是不合适的。Laura herself died soon after.不久之后劳拉本人就去世了。She was on her feet soon after the operation.手术后她很快就康复下床了。Flowers withered up soon after they were cut.花儿摘下不久就枯萎了。Classes began soon after we enrolled.我们注册入学没多久就开始上课了。The plane vanished from radar screens soon after taking off.这架飞机刚起飞不久就从雷达屏幕上消失了。The party split into the left and right wings soon after it was founded.该党成立不久就分裂成左翼和右翼。The release of the movie so soon after the scandal is shameless opportunism.这部影片在丑闻发生不久就迅速推出,是无耻的投机取巧。A young baby may frequently get hiccups during or soon after a feed.小婴儿经常会在哺乳过程中或哺乳后不久打嗝。She was on the spot reporting on the fire soon after the alarm was sounded.警报响起后不久,她就赶到现场报道火灾情况了。She began to feel dizzy soon after the accident.事故发生后不久,她开始感到头晕。No-one thought they would make him manager so soon after joining the company.没有人想到他们在他加入公司后没多久就提升他为经理。Their relationship got/turned nasty soon after they were married.婚后不久,他们的关系就恶化了。It cleared up soon after the rain.雨后天气迅速放晴。Brown himself died soon after.不久之后布朗本人就死了。He decamped to/for Europe soon after news of the scandal broke.丑闻曝光后不久,他便逃往欧洲。She found a job soon after graduation.她毕业后不久就找到了工作。It was soon after the birth of their first child that their relationship started to go wrong.他们第一个孩子出生之后没多久婚姻就出现了危机。They raised the white flag soon after the election results came in.选举结果刚出来不久,他们就认输了。I want to go to Europe as soon after christmas as possible.我想在圣诞节后就尽快去欧洲。Their marriage came unglued soon after the baby was born.孩子出生后不久,他们的婚姻就破裂了。They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.他们毕业后不久就大操大办地结婚了。Night fell, and soon after that he left.夜幕降临之后不久他便离开了。Those documents provided the missing link, and the police were able to make an arrest soon after they discovered them.这些文件提供了必要的证据,警察发现之后很快就实施了逮捕。A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed.小婴儿进食过程中或刚刚进食后经常会打嗝。He took a flier in politics soon after getting his degree.他拿到学位后不久就冒险进入了政界。We moved here soon after we were married.我们结婚不久就搬到这儿来了。Greg and Jody met in their freshman year at college and married soon after they graduated.格雷格和乔迪在大学一年级时相识,毕业后不久就结婚了。It is important to copy up your notes soon after the lecture.课后马上把笔记誊写清楚很重要。Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper.路易斯十分疲劳,吃过晚饭就上床睡了。The negotiations resumed soon after they were broken off.谈判在中断之后不久又重新开始了。




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