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例句 She was very short with me. I wonder if I've offended her in some way.她对我非常简慢无礼,我在想是不是什么地方得罪了她。She's not a professor but she's connected with the university in some way.她不是教授,但与该大学有些关系。I wish there were some way I could help lift this load from his shoulders.我多么希望能有办法帮他卸下肩上的重担。Any attempt to attack the budget problem is going to have to in some way deal with those issues.要解决预算问题,在某种程度上就必须解决那些问题。I desperately needed some way to vent all the anger and frustration I felt inside.我迫切需要想个办法排遣胸中的怒火与沮丧。This goes some way towards / toward explaining the hostility between the two groups.这在一定程度上解释了两个团体间的对立。Evidently he was queer in some way.他显然有些古怪。She had to park some way from the restaurant.她只得把车停在离餐馆很远的地方。I've got a feeling that the death may be tied up with his visit in some way.我感觉那个死亡事件可能与他的来访有某种关联。I just wish there was some way to make the pain go away.我真希望有某种方法能消除痛苦。We think the two crimes are related in some way.我们认为两起犯罪案件在一定程度上有关联。Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.总会有办法能安排好我们忙碌的生活,这样就能过得舒服一点,同时还能达到内心的平静。I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation.我在设法拖延这次谈话。They need some way of getting round the country.他们需要一种交通工具来周游全国。I've got to find some way of bringing her downstage.我得想个办法使她到台前来。When a woman became pregnant, she was penalized in some way for having to leave the workforce.女性怀孕后就不得不离开工作岗位,从而在某些方面处于不利地位。I decided to find some way to hip her to contraceptives.我决定想办法使她对避孕药物和用具有所了解。People often think that movie stars are special in some way, but really they're no different from anybody else.人们常认为电影明星与众不同,但是其实他们和别人没两样。He wanted to contribute in some way to the war effort. 他想以某种方式为赢得战争做出贡献。The question seemed to amuse him in some way.这个问题似乎把他给逗乐了。Perhaps in some way he lacks assurance.也许他有点缺乏信心。Showing her his identity card went some way towards allaying her suspicions.他向她出示了身份证,这多少减轻了她的怀疑。There must be some way you can relieve the pain.你一定有办法缓解疼痛。If we've offended you in some way, we didn't mean to.若是我们有得罪你的地方,那也不是有意的。All I can hope is that the good name of the Bank will not be impugned in some way.我所希望的,就是该银行的好名声不要在某些方面受到质疑。Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.肯定会有办法安排好我们忙碌的生活,使我们能够在过得舒适同时也可以达到内心的平静。He is full of suppressed anger and needs to find some way of releasing it.他满腔怒火郁结于胸,需要找个发泄的方式。My boss is always criticizing me. I wish I knew some way to get him off my back.我的老板总是批评我。要是有办法让他不再烦扰我就好了。The state has got to find some way to balance these two needs.国家必须找出平衡这两种需求的办法。I had the feeling that I had to possess her, and that we were meant for one another in some way.我感觉自己必须在身体上占有她,并且我认为在某种程度上我们是天生的一对。Everyone knows that for a democracy to truly work, everyone has to get involved in some way.人人都知道,要真正实现民主,每个人都得以某种方式参与进去。Find some way of slowing your father down;he is far too busy now.想办法让你父亲轻松一点;他现在太忙了。My husband cheated me but I'll find some way to pay him back.我丈夫欺骗了我,不过我会设法报复他的。The students were all incapacitated in some way, by illness or old age.这些学生或因身患疾病,或因年岁大了,多少都有点力不从心。Alison was brought up in the belief that she was in some way superior to other children.艾莉森从小受到的教育使她相信自己在某方面比其他孩子优越。She was very striking but in some way I felt repelled.她非常引人注目,但我觉得她有些讨厌。I landed heavily on my ankle and must have damaged it in some way.我着地时脚踝受到大力冲击,肯定伤着了。I was still some way short of the bridge.我离大桥还有一些路。It seems as if the blanket of depression is in some way necessary to help them blot out the even greater pain of real life.似乎这种弥漫的抑郁情绪多少能帮助他们忘却一些现实生活中更大的痛苦。Right now, you've got a president who's floundering, trying to find some way to get his campaign jump-started.现在,你们的总统正踌躇不前,试图找到某种办法来推动他的竞选活动的开展。




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