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词汇 silk
例句 She opened the tie box and looked at her purchase. It was silk, with maroon stripes.她打开领带盒,看着她买回的东西:一条带有褐红色条纹的丝制领带。Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics.丝和羊毛等天然纤维比合成材料绝缘性更好。The fabric was as soft as silk.这种布料像丝绸一样柔软。Linen, cotton, silk, nylon and wool are common textile materials.亚麻、棉花、蚕丝、尼龙和羊毛都是常用的纺织原料。The company trades in silk, tea, and other items.该公司从事丝绸、茶叶和其他货品的贸易。Steve was wearing a red silk shirt that didn't suit him at all.史蒂夫穿了一件红色的真丝衬衫,一点也不适合他。She moved nearer, her long silk skirt rustling around her.她走近了,长长的真丝裙子窸窣作响。Her voluminous silk dress billowed out behind her.她穿的那条肥大的丝绸长裙在身后鼓起来了。The use of silk is now spread to all classes without distinction.穿用丝绸现已毫无区别地普及到所有阶层。This silk drapes beautifully.这种丝绸打褶垂挂很好看。She bought a remnant of silk at a bargain.她廉价购得一块零头丝布。You can make a patchwork quilt from oddments of silk and cotton.你可以用丝绸和棉布的边角料做一条拼布被。Her hair is as smooth as silk. 她的头发像丝绸一样顺滑。Britt casually knotted a silk scarf around her neck.布里特随意地把丝巾围在脖子上打了个结。She had on a simple silk dress with a pattern of roses.她穿着一套朴素的带有玫瑰花图案的丝绸连衣裙。The silk cushions add colour to an otherwise dull room.丝绸垫子给原本晦暗的房间增添了色彩。He bowed extravagantly, flourishing a silk handkerchief.他挥动着一块丝绸手帕,夸张地鞠了一躬。Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.万籁俱寂,只有一面绸制旗子轻轻飘动的响声。The bed was sheeted in purple silk.床上铺着紫色丝绸床单。He was wearing a cream silk shirt.他穿着一件淡黄色的丝绸衬衫。The spider catches an insect and parcels it up in silk.蜘蛛捉住一只昆虫,把它用蛛丝裹住。Her hair was covered by a silk scarf.她的头发遮掩在丝巾下。Her hair was tied back with a black silk ribbon.她的头发用黑丝带扎在后面。Mother came out of her room, looking stunning in her silk dressing gown.母亲穿着她那件丝质睡袍从房间里出来,看上去真是漂亮。Her dress was of silk tissue.她的连衫裙是用薄绸做成的。I only wear my silk dress on special occasions.我只在特殊场合穿真丝连衣裙。The costumes are richly ornamented and are made of bright-coloured silk.这些戏服装饰得很华丽,是用色彩鲜艳的真丝制作的。They gagged him with his own silk tie.他们用他自己的丝绸领带塞住了他的嘴。Light silk is best for parachutes, as it compresses well and then expands rapidly.份量很轻的丝绸最适合制成降落伞,它便于压缩,张开时速度又快。The moment she saw the silk coverlet, she bought it.她一看到这床绸床罩就把它买下了。She wore a dress of the sheerest silk.她穿了一条薄如蝉翼的丝绸连衣裙。It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.它比棉布和尼龙质地更柔软,光泽则与丝绸相仿。The coat was lined with silk.这上衣的衬里是用丝绸做的。Put this cloth alongside real silk, and you will at once see the difference.把这块料子同真丝放在一起相比,就立刻见出不同来了。She wore a beautiful silk shawl around her shoulders.她在肩上围了一条漂亮的真丝披巾。He wore a silk cloak over a finely embroidered robe.他在绣工精细的袍子外套了一件真丝斗篷。It just goes to show that you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.这只能说明人是不能化腐朽为神奇的。She wore a dress adorned with lace and silk flowers.她穿着一件带花边和丝绢花的连衣裙。From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.他不知从什么地方翻出了一套黑色的丝绸衣服。This store deals in silk.这家店经营丝绸。




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