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词汇 lurched
例句 Virginia's heart lurched painfully in her chest.弗吉尼娅胸口一阵疼痛。Paul lurched sideways as the boat rolled suddenly.船突然摇晃起来,保罗踉跄地歪向一边。The state government has lurched from one budget crisis to another.州政府陷入一个又一个的预算危机。She lurched from the saddle, landing on the ground.她侧身下马,跳到地上。The first round of multilateral trade talks has lurched between hope and despair.首轮多边贸易谈判在希望与绝望间来回摇摆。He lurched to his feet.他摇摇晃晃地站了起来。The boat lurched in the rough seas.小船在波涛汹涌的大海上颠簸。The table lurched as a young man leant his weight on it.一个小伙子把身体往上一靠,桌子就歪了。A wino lurched across the street.一个酒鬼踉跄地穿过马路。He lurched the car in reverse along the ruts to the access road.他顺着车辙摇摇晃晃地将车倒到了支路上。The boat leaped and lurched worse than any restive horse.船忽上忽下地剧烈颠簸,比最不听话的烈马还要难驾驭。Henry looked, stared, and lurched to his feet.亨利看了一眼,顿时瞪大了眼睛,然后突然猛地一下站了起来。As he had a drop too many, he lurched on his way home.因为他贪杯了,所以他回家时走路老往一边斜。Her heart lurched at the sight of him.她一看到他,心头一阵悸动。She put her foot down on the accelerator and the car lurched forward.她踩了一脚油门,车歪歪斜斜地往前开去。As the car sped over a pothole she lurched forward.车子飞速驶过一个坑洼时,她向前颠了一下。More and more frequently the vessel lurched into a sudden roll.船不时会猛烈摇晃一下,而且越来越频繁。A man lurched into her office.一个男人跌跌撞撞地闯进她的办公室。Joe lurched drunkenly into the room.乔喝得醉醺醺的,踉踉跄跄地走进了房间。The vehicle lurched to a stop, gears grinding again.车子猛地一蹿停住,变速箱又在嘎嘎作响了。The jeep lurched to a stop.吉普车猛地一停。At three a.m. he lurched along a field track without lights.凌晨三时他在没有灯光的田间小路上偷偷行走。Suddenly the band leader whooped and the music lurched up-tempo.乐队指挥突然一声欢叫,音乐随之急剧加速。She gave a little cry and lurched forward.她轻喊一声向前跌去。My stomach lurched as another big wave hit the boat.又一个大浪打到船上,我感到胃部一阵发颤。Their marriage lurched forward.他们的婚姻勉强维持着。The drunk lurched to his feet and tried to follow us.那个醉汉猛地站起来,试图跟上我们。He lurched through the bar, grinning inanely.他傻笑着蹒跚地穿过酒吧。The van lurched to the left, narrowly missing a pedestrian.这辆面包车猛地转向左边,差点儿撞上一个行人。Sam hit the gas and the car lurched forward.萨姆踩下油门,汽车猛地向前冲去。The carriage lurched into view.马车摇摇晃晃地映入眼帘。The bus lurched along/down the highway.公共汽车晃晃悠悠地沿路前行。A wounded man lurched along the path.一个受伤的人沿著小路踉踉跄跄地走著。He spun around and lurched to his feet.他猛地转过身,一下子站了起来。He lurched towards / toward the door.他蹒跚着朝门走去。Suddenly the train lurched violently.突然,火车剧烈地晃动起来。The bus finally lurched to a halt outside the school.公共汽车摇摇晃晃,最后在学校外面停了下来。She lost her balance and lurched into the counter.她失去平衡,跌跌撞撞地倒向柜台。The bus lurched along the mountain road.公共汽车沿着山路颠簸前行。The boat lurched drunkenly.船摇摇摆摆颠簸前行。




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