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词汇 lurid
例句 He told me in lurid detail what would happen to me.他把我将会遇到的可怕事情详详细细地告诉了我。The sky was lurid with the flames of the eruptive volcano.火山喷发的火焰把天空映得通红。That's a very lurid shade of lipstick she's wearing.她口红抹得太艳了。She gave us a lurid description of the birth.她向我们描述的分娩过程令人毛骨悚然。The carpets were a lurid shade of green.地毯是俗艳的绿色。The light from the fire cast a lurid glow on everything.火焰的光芒把周围的东西都照得亮堂堂的。The King had been putting about lurid rumours for months.国王连续数月都在散布骇人听闻的谣言。Spare me the lurid details of the murder; just make sure that he is the murderer.你不用告诉我谋杀案的可怕的细节;只要确定他是凶手就足够了。She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange.她精心地把脚指甲涂成妖艳的红色或橙色。Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.一些报道中有关于死状和毁尸的令人毛骨悚然的描述。He painted a lurid picture of prison life.他把监狱生活描绘得十分可怕。




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