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词汇 lungs
例句 At high altitudes there is less atmospheric pressure , making it more difficult for the lungs to extract oxygen from the air.在高海拔处气压低,肺部从空气中吸氧困难。He groaned, expelling the air from his lungs.他呻吟着,艰难地呼着气。The illness congested his lungs.疾病使他肺部充血。It chokes up and scars their lungs so they can't breathe.这堵住了他们的肺部,还留下疤痕,令他们无法呼吸。Water had entered his lungs and he was choking.他肺里进了水,呛住了。He fought against the cancer that was consuming his lungs.他与正在吞噬自己双肺的癌症进行抗争。He dragged the smoke deep down into his lungs.他把烟深深吸入肺部。The pleura protects your lungs and helps them slide back and forth as they expand and contract during breathing.胸膜保护你的肺,并让其可以在呼吸时因膨胀收缩而前后移动。The infection spread to his lungs.感染已扩散到他的肺部。I let my lungs fill with the scented air.我深深呼吸着芬芳的空气。She shouted at the top of her lungs. 她用尽了力气大声呼喊。The fluid was sucked from his lungs.这液体是从他肺里吸出来的。I opened the window and filled my lungs with cool fresh air.我打开窗,深深地吸了一口新鲜凉爽的空气。The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.肺是由数百万个微小肺泡组成的。The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上由上千条细微的气管构成。The fog irritated his lungs and made him short of breath.大雾令他的肺部不适,使他呼吸困难。Smoking has caused irreversible damage to his lungs.吸烟已经对他的肺部造成了永久的损害。If you smoke too much, you may harm your lungs.吸烟过多会伤肺。His heart was failing and one of his lungs had collapsed.他的心脏开始衰竭,有一半的肺部也萎缩了。Years of heavy smoking had destroyed her lungs.她多年来抽烟很凶,这损害了她的肺。They drained a lot of fluid from his lungs.他们从他的肺中抽出了许多液体。The baby was born with underdeveloped lungs.这个新生婴儿肺部发育不全。The disease in his lungs made breathing very painful.肺部的病使他呼吸时很疼痛。Dilated cardiomyopathy leads to fluid build-up in the ankles, abdomen, lungs, and other organs.扩张性心肌病会导致脚踝、腹部、肺部和其他一些器官产生积液。The cancer had spread to his lungs.癌细胞已经扩散到他的肺部。The infection can be particularly troublesome if it affects the lungs or throat.感染的部位如果是肺或咽喉,就会变得格外棘手。She yawped at the top of her lungs.她拉直了嗓子大声叫喊。He had kidney cancer, with secondary tumours in the brain and lungs.他患了肾癌,大脑和肺部也出现了继发性肿瘤。Every time you took a breath of that foul air you could feel it burning your lungs.你每吸一口那里的污浊空气,都会感到它在烧炙你的肺部。She drew the smoke deep into her lungs.她把烟深深地吸进肺里。The victims' lungs fill quickly with fluid.受害者的肺里很快充满了积液。Her lungs ached from the exertion.她的肺因为劳累而疼痛。He filled his lungs with the clean. fresh air.他吸进肺里的是干净清新的空气。The disease primarily affected Jane's lungs.这个病使简的肺部受到感染。I felt the air enter my lungs.我感觉到空气进入了我的肺部。With a whoosh of escaping air from his lungs, he sank into a chair.他呼的一声从胸口吐出一口气就倒在椅子里。They were shouting at the top of their lungs.他们用最大的嗓门儿喊。He was admitted yesterday for treatment of blood clots in his lungs.他昨天入院治疗肺部的血块。Coughing clears the lungs of mucus.咳嗽能清除肺里的黏液。Oxygenation of the blood is a key function of the lungs.为血液加氧是肺的关键功能。




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