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词汇 shoes
例句 The damp seeped through her thin shoes.湿气透进了她单薄的鞋子。I buffed my shoes.我把鞋子擦得很亮。Are you sure those shoes are the right size for Bill?你肯定那双鞋子给比尔穿大小正好吗?Sue kicked off her shoes.休踢掉了她的鞋子。I shined my shoes.我擦亮了鞋子。When his father died, Bill had to step into his shoes to support his mother.比尔不得不在父亲死后接替其工作以供养母亲。She wore a severe black dress, and plain black shoes.她穿了一件朴素的黑连衣裙和一双普通的黑鞋子。I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes.我向他们定购了五百双鞋子。The shoes have chunky heels.那双鞋是粗跟的。Your shoes are soaking wet.你的鞋都湿透了。Scuff marks from shoes are difficult to remove.鞋上的擦痕很难除掉。These shoes are a bit too snug - do you have them in a larger size?这双鞋有点儿太紧——你们有没有大一号的?These shoes fit perfectly.这双鞋完全合脚。The lad was wearing rubber-soled shoes.这个小伙子穿着橡胶底的鞋子。Your shoes are filthy with mud.你鞋上全是脏兮兮的泥巴。His shoes were muddied.他的鞋子沾上了泥。I must whiten my tennis shoes.我得刷白我的网球鞋。Just leave your shoes on the back porch for now.就暂时把你的鞋子留在后门廊吧。The rubber soles of my shoes squeaked on the shiny floor.我的鞋是橡胶底的,踩在光滑闪亮的地板上吱吱地响。I need new laces for these shoes.这双鞋我需要新的鞋带。They were so poor they couldn't afford to buy shoes for their children.他们太穷了,连孩子的鞋都买不起。Passing cars covered his shoes with filth.来往车辆弄得他鞋子上全是脏东西。Polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather.定期擦拭你的鞋以保护皮革。She paused to consider the all-important issue of which shoes to wear.她驻足考虑穿哪双鞋子这样一个非常重要的问题。These tight shoes irritate my toes.我的鞋太紧,夹痛我的脚趾。Wearing shoes like that would be social suicide.穿那样的鞋子无异于社交上自绝其路。Good shoes needn't cost the earth.好鞋子不必很贵。She was dressed in a yellow sari with yellow shoes to match.她身穿黄色的莎丽,脚踏黄色的鞋子与其搭配。Try on clothing and shoes to make sure they fit.试穿一下衣服和鞋子,看看是否合适。I wish you wouldn't leave your shoes in the hall.希望你不会把鞋子放在门厅里。I bought these shoes at half price. = I paid half price for these shoes.这鞋我是半价买的。What size shoes do you take?你穿几号鞋?I absolutely love your shoes!我太爱你这双鞋了!I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.此刻,我可不想沦落到他那个境地。Sports stars earn big bucks for pushing everything from shoes to soft drinks.体育明星们大做广告,从鞋子到软饮料,赚了很多钱。Take off your shoes so you don't mark the floor.把鞋脱掉以免弄脏地板。Which of the shoes go best with this dress?哪双鞋最能和这条裙子搭配?She was shaking in her boots/shoes as she waited for the doctor.她等医生时紧张得要命。I wear my old shoes every day. One sole has come unglued.我天天穿旧鞋,有一只鞋底已经开胶了。Try on the shoes to see if they fit.试试那双鞋子看合不合适。




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