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词汇 headquarters
例句 The rebels seized control of the national radio headquarters.叛乱者控制了国家电台总部。Brussels, which is the headquarters of the Common Market, is an attractive city.欧洲共同市场的总部所在地布鲁塞尔是座美丽的城市。The company's old headquarters didn't go with their corporate image.这家公司的旧总部与他们的公司形象不相称。The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization.农场主在该组织总部外进行了喧闹而和平的抗议。They succeeded in bugging the enemy headquarters.他们成功地在敌人司令部安装上窃听器。Groups of rioters attacked and set the police headquarters on fire.成群结队的暴徒袭击并放火焚烧了警察总局。The company's headquarters are located in Rome.公司总部在罗马。She works at the company's headquarters.她在公司总部工作。We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters.我们安排了该工作组参观我们的总部。The President proposed that Russian diplomats could be accredited to NATO headquarters.总统提议向北约总部派驻俄罗斯外交官。He chose Chicago as the site of the Republican national campaign headquarters.他把共和党全国竞选的总部设在了芝加哥。Directives have been received from headquarters.总部下达的命令已收到。She was offered a job at divisional headquarters.她得到了总部的一份工作。The soldiers cabled back to headquarters.士兵给司令部发回了电报。Mrs Clinton was huddled with advisers at her headquarters.克林顿夫人和顾问聚在总部秘谈。McCreery established his headquarters at Treviso, just north of Venice.麦克里里把自己的司令部设在威尼斯正北面的特雷维索。The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization.农场主在该组织总部的门外上演了一场嘈杂但还算和平的抗议。MPs have one free trip to Brussels and another to Strasbourg, headquarters of the EC, each year.议员每年可免费去布鲁塞尔和欧洲委员会总部斯特拉斯堡旅行一次。A gunship blasted enemy headquarters.一架武装直升机轰炸了敌军总部。Only a successful assault on the rebels’ headquarters could have ended the civil war.只有成功袭击叛军司令部才有可能结束内战。The army headquarters had been targeted and badly damaged.陆军总部成了袭击目标,遭到了严重破坏。The UN headquarters are in New York.联合国的总部在纽约。I was taken to police headquarters where I was stripped and searched.我被带到警察局,在那里我被剥光衣服搜身。The latest photographs were sent anonymously to the magazine's Paris headquarters.最新的照片是匿名寄到这家杂志在巴黎的总部的。They made the Manchester office their headquarters.他们将曼彻斯特办事处设为总部。The organization has its headquarters in Brussels.该组织的总部设在布鲁塞尔。The company has set up its European headquarters in the UK.公司的欧洲总部设在英国。The soldier reported to headquarters.这个士兵向司令部作了报告。He remained under cover and waited for further instructions from headquarters.他继续潜伏,等候总部的进一步指示。Every single car is built by hand at the company's headquarters near Turin.每一辆车都是在都灵附近的这家公司的总部里用手工生产的。Talks went on at the headquarters factory in Liverpool.会谈在利物浦总厂继续进行。Its headquarters will soon be relocated from Westminster to the Greenwich site.其总部很快将从威斯敏斯特迁往格林尼治。The police made a swoop on the headquarters.警方突击搜查了总部。A news conference was held at the party's campaign headquarters.在该党竞选总部举行了新闻发布会。The scheme is designed to devolve power away from the company's headquarters.该计划是为了将公司总部的权力下放。Urban guerrillas detonated a car bomb in front of the company's headquarters.城市游击队在公司总部前引爆了一枚汽车炸弹。They're very worried about this at headquarters.总部对此事忧心忡忡。The building is the headquarters of the family firm.这座大楼是该家族公司的总部。A massive car bomb blasted the police headquarters.一枚威力巨大的汽车炸弹炸毁了警察总部。The messenger arrived safe at headquarters.信使平安到达司令部。




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