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词汇 head on
例句 He rested his head on his hand with a weary gesture.他把头靠在手上,一副疲惫的样子。The animal heads on the wall were trophies of his hunting trips.墙上的动物头是他打猎的战利品。He pillowed his head on his arm.他把头枕在手臂上。The country was headed on the wrong track, economically.该国经济正沿着错误的路线发展。Canadian coins have a picture of the British Queen's head on one side.加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像。She fell and hit her head on the kerb.她倒了下来,头重重地撞到了路缘。He's out of his head on smack most of the time.他多数时间都因吸食海洛因而精神恍惚。The coin has a date on one side and the emperor's head on the reverse.硬币的一面是日期,另一面是君主的头像。He was off his head on various drugs.由于吸食了几种毒品,他神志不清。I smacked my head on the corner of the shelf.我的头撞在了架子角上。He was going to hang the lion's head on the wall as a trophy.他将把那狮子的头挂在墙上作为纪念品。She hit her head on a rock and lost consciousness.她的头撞在石头上,失去了知觉。I put my head on his chest but I could feel no heartbeat.我把头贴近他的胸口,但感觉不到他的心跳。The reverse side of the coin has the president's head on it.这枚硬币的背面有总统的头像。The country was headed on the wrong track, economically.该国在经济上走错了路线。She rested her head on his shoulder.她把头靠在他肩膀上。Arthur had hit his head on a beam and knocked himself out.阿瑟的头撞在一根梁上,昏了过去。She nestled her head on his shoulder.她把头贴在他肩上。Banging his head on the bookcase dazed him for a moment.他的头撞在书架上,使他感到一阵晕眩。Amy reposed her head on a cushion.艾咪把头靠在垫子上。Mr Pendle hit his head on a wall as he fell.彭德尔先生摔倒时头磕到了墙上。He thumped his head on the floor when he fell out of bed.他掉下床时,头砰的一声撞在地板上。Some of them carried pikes with shrivelled heads on top.他们中一些人手持枪尖上挂着皱缩人头的长矛。I slipped and cracked my head on the door.我滑了一跤,头磕在了门上。Police forces in the area are trying to tackle car crime head on.该地区警方正设法迎头打击汽车犯罪活动。Lean your head on my shoulder.把你的头靠在我的肩膀上。Rest your head on my shoulder.把你的头靠在我的肩上。He rested the baby's head on his shoulder.他把婴儿的头靠在他肩膀上。Tom tumbled over and hit his head on the concrete.汤姆摔倒,头撞到水泥地。John rested his head on the back of the car-seat.约翰把头靠在汽车座位的后背上。There was a moose head on the wall. Some wag had put a cigarette in its mouth.墙上挂着一个驼鹿头。某个爱搞笑的人在它的嘴里放了一支香烟。I forgot to duck and hit my head on the branch.我忘了低下头,结果撞到了树枝上。With poor-quality tapes you could also risk dirtying the heads on your video recorder.使用劣质磁带还有可能会污损录像机磁头。I'm not prepared to put my head on the block for him.我可不愿意为了他把自己给搭进去。Don't knock your head on the beam.小心头碰横梁。He had a way of carrying his head on one side.他有个习惯,总是把头偏向一边。He's too tall, and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway.他长得太高,头总难免要撞上那低低的门楣。 The Chancellor, by his unusual statement, has put his head on the block.这位总理冒着丢乌纱帽的风险发表了一份非同寻常的声明。Stein took off his glasses and rested his head on the back of the chair. I took this to mean that he wasn't going to say any more.斯坦摘下眼镜,把头靠在椅背上。我觉得他这样子是不打算再说什么了。I bumped my head on a low branch.我的头撞上了一根低矮的树枝。




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