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词汇 shipment
例句 Some of the equipment was lost during shipment.一些仪器在运输中丢失了。The machines will be knocked down before being packed for shipment.这些机器将拆卸后打包装船。The shipment of tools arrived at the dock in cargo containers yesterday.昨日,用货物集装箱装载的工具运抵码头。The shipment was escorted by guards.货物的运输由卫兵护送。The boxes are ready for shipment overseas.这些箱子已经准备好装运海外。Customs officers had received a tip-off about a shipment of cocaine.海关关员接获了关于一批可卡因的密报。Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。A large shipment of grain has just arrived.一大批粮食刚运到。The shipment never arrived, and we are holding the freight company entirely responsible.那批货物一直没有运到,我们认为货运公司要负全部责任。The goods are ready for shipment.这批货物现在可以装运了。The boss blew a fuse when the shipment didn't arrive on time.货物没有按时送达,老板大发雷霆。Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Central America.执法人员截获了一批从中美洲运来的毒品。The company rejected the entire shipment.公司拒绝接受整船货物。An illegal shipment of arms was intercepted at the airport.一批非法装运的枪支在机场被截获。The boss blew up when the shipment arrived late.这批货迟到了,老板为此大发雷霆。The company held back the first shipment of the new product until it was completely ready.公司推迟了新产品的第一次装运,直到它完全准备好。What was the breakage in that shipment?那次运输损耗如何? What was the gross weight of the shipment?这批货物的毛重是多少?An armed patrol boat will escort the shipment.一艘武装巡逻艇将为这批货物护航。Customers can track a shipment over the Web.客户可以在网上跟踪货物。This box is ready for shipment.这个箱子准备好装运了。We sent out another shipment of books.我们发运出了另一批书。He made the last shipment on consignment.他完成了最后一批寄售货物的装运。It generally takes about a month for the shipment to arrive.通常,货物要一个月之后才能到达。The health authorities seized the whole shipment of tainted food.卫生当局没收了全船的受污染食品。The order/shipment is traveling by plane.所订货物/发出的货物由飞机运送。The shipment is destined for Bombay.这批货物运往孟买。When the boss found out that the shipment was late, he blew a gasket.老板发现运送的货物没有及时抵达时勃然大怒。Please confirm receipt of the shipment.收到货物请确认They sent out their final shipment last week.上星期他们发出了最后一船货。They sent him a shipment of tobacco.他们运了一批烟叶给他。The packing shed is used for packing and sorting apples for shipment.包装库房用来将苹果打包、分类,以备装运。Hundreds of cars are lined up outside the factory, awaiting shipment to France and Holland.工厂外面有几百辆车排队等候装运货物去法国和荷兰。Customs officers have seized a large shipment of cocaine.海关关员截获了一大批可卡因。




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