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I hope Shelly's cold isn't catching.我希望谢利的感冒不会传染。Shelly constantly tries to impress her boss.谢利经常想令老板对她留下印象。Shelly's horse stepped into soft sand and went down, horse and rider going head over heels in a cloud of dust.谢利的马踏进松软的沙土中倒下了,在一阵飞扬的尘土中人栽马翻。Shelly tried to wriggle free from him, but he held her firmly.谢利想挣开他,但他牢牢地把她按住。The girl, identified as Shelly Barnes, fell from the window when her mother's back was turned.那名女孩,证实为谢利·巴恩斯,在母亲转身时从窗口掉了下去。Can you help Shelly mount?你帮助谢利上马好吗? |