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例句 Employers are seeking further clarification of the proposals.雇主们正在寻求进一步澄清这些提案。He is a lone wolf, apparently wanting no friends and seeking to influence no man.他是个自行其是的人,看来不要交朋友,也不想影响任何人。The thought that any parent would manipulate their child into seeking fame just appalled me.想到竟然有做父母的会驱使自己的孩子去追求名望,真是让我吃惊。I am seeking your professional advice on a very delicate matter.我有件很棘手的事要听听你的专业意见。He was in a truculent and trouble-seeking mood.他心里气鼓鼓的,想惹点是非。The project is seeking accreditation by the World Wildlife Foundation.这个项目目前正在寻求世界野生动物基金会的批准。Many single people are seeking that special someone.许多单身者正在寻找那个对他们来说很特别的人。The office is seeking a salesperson.那家办事处正在招募一名销售人员。The group is now seeking formal acceptance.这个团体现正努力寻求官方的承认。The country is seeking customers for its textiles.该国正在为其纺织品寻找买主。The UN is seeking a political solution rather than a military one.联合国正在寻求政治上而非军事上的解决方法。The government is seeking support from teachers for its latest education reforms.政府正在为它最近推行的教育改革寻求教师的支持。The oncoming generation of students are seeking new goals.新一代的学生在寻求新的目标。There is something rather incongruous about seeking inner calm while wanting to live in the city centre.既想寻求内心的平静又想在市中心居住,这样的想法相当矛盾。Potential problems of celebrity status are not much of a determent to those seeking limelight.成名带来的潜在问题不会使那些寻求名人地位的人却步。We are now actively seeking further funding.我们正在积极筹集更多资金。The company is seeking a listing on the stock exchange. 这家公司正在争取上市。A United States delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project.一个美国代表团正在日本为一大型科研项目寻求资助。They are seeking a first-strike capability that would knock out the enemy's nuclear force in a surprise attack.他们谋求能在突然袭击中一举摧毁敌方核力量的第一次打击能力。She moved towards Andrew, seeking his arm for support.她移向安德鲁,想借他的胳膊撑一撑。We're still seeking medical opinions on the cause of the pain.关于引起疼痛的原因,我们仍然在寻求医学专家的看法。Hundreds of dissidents are seeking refuge/asylum in the US embassy.数百名持不同政见者到美国大使馆寻求庇护。She is seeking nomination as a candidate in the elections.她正在争取提名成为候选人。Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood.血友病患者们因为被输入了受到污染的血液而正在寻求赔偿。She is now seeking to soften her image for voters.目前她正着力使自己在选民中的形象变得温和。The party is seeking to find a middle way between extreme right-wing and left-wing policies.那个政党正在寻找一个介于极右翼政策和极左翼政策之间的中间路线。Thousands of families came here seeking refuge from the civil war.成千上万户人家来这儿躲避内战。Full marks to them for seeking out and issuing this material.祝贺他们找到并出版了这份材料。He was seeking financial penalties against the company.他正谋求对该公司处以罚款。The Smiths are now seeking to take their case to the European Court.史密斯夫妇现正打算将此案提交欧洲法庭。There is a trend towards favoring stopgap measures, instead of seeking long-term solutions to socioeconomic problems.现时的趋势是喜欢推行临时措施,而非寻找能解决社会经济问题的长远方法。To be eligible, you must show that you are actively seeking employment.为了取得资格,你必须表明你正在积极地寻找就业机会。Tens of thousands of acres of farmland are swallowed up each year by developers seeking living space for the city's fast-growing population.城市人口快速增长,每年都有许许多多的农田被寻找居住空间的开发商所侵吞。There can be no excuse for the mistreatment of people seeking asylum in this country.没有理由粗暴对待在这个国家里寻求避难的人。He is seeking employment. 他正在找工作。She was seeking a channel for her creative energies.她在寻找能发挥其创造力的渠道。He glanced at her, seeking reassurance.他看了她一眼,想得到安慰。Our investors are seeking more remunerative opportunities.我们的投资者在寻求回报更加丰厚的机会。They are seeking financial support from various sources.他们正通过各种途径来寻求财力支持。We are seeking continuous, incremental improvements, not great breakthroughs.我们在寻求持续的、渐进的改善,而不是重大的突破。




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