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词汇 scratching
例句 A few chickens were scratching around the yard.几只鸡在院子里到处刨。He was scratching at the bites on his arm.他在挠手臂上被叮咬的地方。Avoid scratching, bending, or twisting the metal out of place.不要刮、折或拧金属,以免它移位。They could hear the dog scratching at the door.他们能听到狗挠门的声音。Dad got really mad at me for scratching the car.爸爸对我划坏了汽车感到很生气。He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose.他老是挠鼻子,这个习惯真让人不舒服。The Institute spends a lot of time scratching its head about how to boost American productivity.该协会花费大量时间苦苦思索如何提高美国的生产力。He sat scratching his head, trying to think of the answer.他坐着直搔头皮,努力要想出答案。Stop scratching!别抓了!This crisis has politicians scratching their heads and wondering what to do.这场危机让政客们挠头不已,不知怎么办才好。His odd behavior left us all scratching our heads. 他古怪的行为让我们大家百思不得其解。He was scratching his head over the question.他对这一问题困惑不解。A scrabbly little scratching sound came out of her throat.从她喉咙里发出一种低微粗嘎的声音。I was awake all night scratching my mosquito bites.我一晚上都没睡着,一个劲地挠蚊子叮咬的地方。Steve kept a tally of the days he spent in prison by scratching marks on the wall.史蒂夫在墙上划痕,以记下他在狱中的天数。She suddenly flew at me, kicking and scratching.她突然向我扑来,又是踢又是抓。His odd behavior left us all scratching our heads.他古怪的行为让我们大家感到困惑。I could hear the dog scratching at the door.我听见狗在挠门。Head scratching is the first sign of lice.抓挠头部是有虱子的首个迹象。It'll keep the wool from scratching.它可阻止羊毛对皮肤产生刺激作用。The dog was scratching at the door to be let in.狗在抓门想进来。He sat thinking, scratching his head.他坐着边想边挠头皮。The editor of the local paper says he's really scratching around for stories this week.当地报纸的编辑说,他这个星期一直在很努力地到处寻找新闻。A lot of people must be scratching their heads about which way to vote.一定有很多人在冥思苦想应该把票投给哪一方。The cook began scratching the rash on his neck.厨工开始搔脖子上的皮疹。I can hear his pen scratching.我能听见他笔尖发出的摩擦声。The decision has left many party members scratching their heads.这个决定让许多党员大伤脑筋。Sparrows were scratching about in the damp soil for worms.麻雀在湿地里到处扒寻小虫。My grandma was scratching a bingo card hoping for the star prize of a car.我的奶奶在刮一张宾戈卡,希望获得特等奖轿车。The dog was scratching at an itch behind its left ear.狗在抓挠左耳朵后面发痒的部位。He was scratching his head over his teacher's question.他抓耳挠腮不知如何回答老师的问题。She fought off her attacker, scratching and biting him.她又抓又咬,击退了袭击者。Rex presented his muzzle for scratching.雷克斯仰起脸让人挠。I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching.我只好穿上长袖衣服以免自己挠痒。Can you hear that funny scratching noise?你听到那嘎吱嘎吱的怪声吗?The dog was scratching at the door.狗把门挠得沙沙响。The mongrel presented his muzzle for scratching.那只杂种狗张嘴要伤人。




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