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词汇 Sara
例句 Sara also pays a share of the gas, electricity and phone bills.萨拉也分摊燃气费、电费和电话费。While Franklin saw to the luggage, Sara took Eleanor home.富兰克林负责照看行李,萨拉则带着埃莉诺回家了。Sara, while remaining outwardly amiable toward all concerned, was inwardly furious.萨拉尽管表面上对所有相关的人依然和蔼可亲,内心却怒火中烧。I'm in the doghouse - I broke Sara's favourite vase this morning.我惹麻烦了——今天早晨我把萨拉最喜爱的花瓶给打碎了。This is Sara's first proper job - she usually does temporary work just for the money.这是萨拉的第一份正式工作——她通常只是为了挣钱而打零工。Sara got entangled with some political group.萨拉与某一政治团体有牵连。Sara and I read the story and marvelled.莎拉和我读了这个故事惊叹不已。Sara left all the lights burning.萨拉让所有的灯都开着。Sara applied her lipstick carefully.萨拉仔细地往嘴唇上抹唇膏。Sara sensed that there had been friction between her children.萨拉感觉到她的孩子之间一直存在着矛盾。Sara's worried stiff about her Gran.莎拉十分担心她的祖母。Sara's natural flair for languages marked her off from the other students.萨拉的语言天赋使得她在学生中非常突出。Surgeons were hopeful of saving the sight in Sara's left eye.外科医生有信心保住萨拉左眼的视力。Sara butted in before I had finished.我还没说完,萨拉就插嘴。Sara yawned as she climbed wearily into bed.萨拉一边打呵欠,一边疲惫地爬到床上。Franklin told Sara that he had himself disdained to take the job.富兰克林告诉萨拉他不屑于去做那份工作。I left Sara in the shop drooling over a green silk dress.我扔下萨拉一个人在商店里着迷地看着一件绿色的丝裙。Sara changed into her swimsuit and ran out for a quick swim.萨拉换上泳装,跑出去游了一小会儿泳。Sara wished Franklin to follow family tradition, in this as in all things.萨拉希望富兰克林在这件事上和所有其他事情一样,能遵循家庭传统。This is my darling daughter, Sara.这是我心爱的女儿,萨拉。Sara panicked in the exam and didn't do herself justice.萨拉在考试中由于紧张未能充分发挥自己的水平。Sara returned his look with one of her own.他看了萨拉一眼,萨拉回看了他一眼。The surgeon told reporters that Sara was making good progress after the heart transplant.外科医生告诉记者,萨拉在心脏移植手术之后康复进展良好。Sara Lewis' impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing.莎拉·刘易斯的食谱相当丰富,聚会必然会热闹有趣。Seeing Paula in that white dress called up memories of his Aunt Sara.看见葆拉穿着那条白裙子使他想起自己的萨拉姨妈。She's deputing the organization of the exhibition to Sara.她正把展会的组织工作委托给莎拉处理。It thrilled Sara to learn that the visitor was a member of the Royal Family.萨拉得知来者是一位皇室成员,感到十分兴奋。Sara is looking for a job in advertising or the media.萨拉想在广告界或大众传媒界找一份工作。Sara confided to her journal.萨拉在日记中吐露心迹。Sara's name had been omitted from the list of employees.萨拉的名字被从员工名单上删除了。Sara seemed more self-assured: no longer young and uncertain, but a confident professional woman.萨拉看起来更加自信了:她不再显得年轻又缺乏信心,而是一个充满自信的职业女性。It's not like Sara to be so rude. Something must be up.如此无礼不像是萨拉的为人,一定是出什么事了。Since he met Sara, he's been walking around with his head in the clouds.自从遇见萨拉后,他便一直想入非非。Sara comes home from her day job at a supermarket and two hours later she's on stage as Maria in the Sound of Music.萨拉白天从超市下班回到家,两个小时之后她就变成了《音乐之声》舞台上的玛丽亚。While Sara wasn't looking, I stole across the hall to make a call.趁萨拉没注意,我偷偷地穿过大厅去打电话。Sara remained outwardly amiable towards all concerned but was inwardly furious.萨拉表面上依然对所有有关人员都很和善,心里却暗自愠怒。Sara wasn't at school last week, with the result that she missed an important test.萨拉上星期没上学,结果错过了一次重要测验。Sara had faithfully kept a journal ever since her marriage.萨拉婚后一直坚持记日记。That's the spot where Sara and I used to while away the hours between lectures.我和萨拉课间就在那个地方消磨时间。Oliver and Sara fell back and started talking.奥利弗和萨拉退到后面讲起话来。




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