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词汇 rolling in
例句 A fog bank was rolling in.一个雾堤正滚滚而来。This comedy will have you rolling in the aisles.这出喜剧将使你大笑不止。The comedian had the audience rolling in the aisles.那个喜剧演员的表演逗得观众乐不可支。The Red Cross made an appeal, and the money started rolling in.红十字会进行呼吁后,捐款开始源源不断地涌来。The keep-fit bandwagon started rolling in the mid 80s.八十年代中期,健身热潮开始涌动。Invitations kept rolling in.请帖不断地涌到。They were rolling in the mud.他们在泥里打滚。The piglets were rolling in the mud.小猪在泥里打滚。The newspaper presses are rolling in Pittsburgh again today.今天,匹兹堡的报纸又开始印刷了。They are known to be rolling in money.他们是尽人皆知的拥有大量钱财的人。If they can afford a yacht, they must be rolling in it.如果他们可以买得起一艘游艇,那他们肯定富得流油。I kept the money rolling in.我一直财源滚滚。Orders have kept rolling in since they readjusted the prices.自从他们调整了价格,订货单如雪花般不断飞来。The joke had the audience rolling in the aisles.这个笑话让全体观众捧腹大笑。Some of her friends are absolutely rolling in it.她的朋友中有些人十分富有。They are rolling in money and property.他们拥有大量的钱财。Sponsorship dollars are rolling in as never before.赞助收入从来没有像现在这样滚滚而来。Don't forget, I have always kept the money rolling in.不要忘记,我总是有大量钱财滚滚而来。Money started rolling in and the business grew and grew.钱开始滚滚而来,生意越做越大。She tried the door, her eyes rolling in panic.她试图开门,眼睛慌乱地转个不停。As the result of our appeal, the money came rolling in.我们呼吁的结果是钱滚滚涌来。He's rolling in money! Well, he's got a lot more than me, anyway.他有的是钱! 反正比我多多了。He's absolutely rolling in it.他真是富得流油。




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