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词汇 rivalry
例句 He was incited to achievement by rivalry.竞争激励他努力取得成就。What emerges is a complex picture of family rivalry.家庭成员间勾心斗角的复杂情况浮现出来。Despite their bitter screen rivalry, offstage they are close friends.虽然他们在银幕上是誓不两立的对手,但在现实生活中却是亲密的朋友。In our family there was plenty of sibling rivalry. 在我们家,兄弟姐妹之间经常相互较劲儿。The team coach played down the rivalry between the players.球队教练对队员间的敌对情绪轻描淡写。A rivalry grew up between the villages.村落之间产生了对立。There was an intense rivalry between the Brazilian and Italian teams.巴西队和意大利队竞争极为激烈。Their rivalry is vicious and makes for an enjoyably spiky comedy.他们之间的竞争非常激烈,成了一出有趣的尖刻喜剧。Their rivalry had been one of friendly competition.他们的对抗曾经是一种友好的竞争形式。It is noticeable that women do not have the rivalry that men have.显而易见,女人之间不像男人们那样竞争对立。It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion.是艾伦为这场较量注入了激情。Just because sibling rivalry is normal doesn't mean you should ignore it.只是因为兄弟姐妹间的较量常见并不等于说应该忽视这个现象。The rivalry is often bitter, but he stays ahead.竞争常常是剧烈的,但他总是领先。The two teams have had a fierce rivalry for many years.这两支球队多年来一直是彼此的劲敌。It is a nice irony that the rivalry among popes was solved by their ancient rival, the Holy Roman Emperor.教皇之间的争斗竟然由他们的老对手神圣罗马帝国皇帝解决了,这简直是绝妙的讽刺。There was barely any sibling rivalry in our family.我们家兄弟姐妹间几乎没有竞争。He had a lot of rivalry with his brothers and sisters.他和兄弟姐妹间经常较劲。It was a fitting end to their rivalry.这是他们之间竞争的必然结果。Single-sex schools often achieve better academic results because there is no rivalry between the sexes.单一性别的学校里学习成绩通常较好,原因是没有性别之间的竞争。Despite their bitter screen rivalry, off-stage they are close friends.虽然他们在银幕上是誓不两立的对手,在现实生活中却是至交。They have enjoyed a friendly rivalry for many years.他们友好竞争多年了。Strong feelings of rivalry were aroused.强烈的对立情绪被激发起来了。Holmes says that the rivalry between the two companies has been exaggerated.霍姆斯说,那两家公司之间的竞争被夸大了。There has always been a fierce rivalry between the two schools.这两所学校之间的竞争一直很激烈。Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties.手足之争常让父母忧心忡忡。There was a friendly rivalry between them.他们之间存在一种友好的竞争。The rivalry introduced more drama to/into the competition.对抗使这场比赛更具戏剧性。Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.官员们预计各个毒品团伙头目之间的对抗可能会引发一场全面的冲突。There is a bitter/friendly rivalry between the two groups.这两个组织之间存在着激烈的/友好的竞争关系。There's a lot of rivalry between the two schools.这两所学校之间竞争激烈。The paper was launched in direct rivalry to ours.此报是为了直接和我们的报纸对抗而创办的。A bit of needle can add spice to a football rivalry.一点敌意都能使水火不容的足球队仇上加仇。




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