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词汇 revived
例句 They enjoyed their chats as they revived memories of their youth.他们重新回忆起年轻时代时谈兴很浓。They revived him with cold water.他们用冷水把他弄醒了。With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant.她最后清醒了一会儿,眼神呆滞。Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived.虽然对朱莉娅施行了人工呼吸,但她没能苏醒过来。It was a goodwill gesture which revived hopes of a resumption in peace talks.这一友好的表示使得人们对恢复和谈重新燃起希望。The custom was revived after an abeyance of several centuries.这一风俗在中断了几世纪后复又流行。Our spirits were revived by his enthusiasm.我们的情绪被他的热情所激发。Some of the old plays we had seen years before were revived on the stage.我们多年前看过的旧戏中有几出重又上演了。My plants revived as soon as I gave them some water.浇了一些水后,我的植物立即又生机盎然了。The success of the movie has revived her career.这部影片的成功重振了她的事业。After the war, the government was anxious for the tourist industry to be revived.战后,政府急于复兴旅游业。The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived.空气清新,有那么一会儿她感到恢复了活力。The picture revived memories of his childhood.这张照片使他回忆起他的童年时代。The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.这次胜利勾起了他对往昔那些夺冠岁月的美好回忆。Visiting my old house has revived childhood memories.走访故居激起了我对童年的回忆。The half-drowned swimmer has revived.淹得半死的游泳者已经苏醒了。She has single-handedly revived the trend for curves.她以一己之力使得曲线身材重新成为流行时尚。The fine arts revived during the Renaissance.在文艺复兴时期美术复兴了。He was revived from a coma by ambulance officers.他被救护车上的医务人员从昏迷中救醒了。Traditional skills are being revived.传统手艺正在得到复兴。The drooping plants revived in the rain.萎蔫的植物在雨中复又生气盎然。The movie revived his flagging career.这部电影使他逐渐衰退的事业重获新生。There is no doubt that grades have improved and interest in education has revived.无疑,成绩提高了,上学的兴趣也恢复了。Habib grimaced at the revived memories.重新涌上心头的记忆让哈比卜愁眉苦脸。Her interest revived at the sight.一见这景象,她的兴趣重又勃兴。Some of the films I had seen were revived.我看过的影片中有几部再次上映了。The youth movement was revived.青年运动复又活跃。The water revived the flowers.水又使花儿活了过来。Hot coffee revived the cold, tired man.热咖啡使这个又冷又累的人恢复了精力。The doctors revived her with injections of glucose.医生给她注射葡萄糖,使她苏醒过来。It revived memories he would as soon forget.这唤起了他那宁可忘却的记忆。The crops revived in the rain.庄稼在雨中重又生机盎然。The custom of arranged marriages has been revived.包办婚姻的习俗又时兴起来。The icy coldness of the water revived her.水刺骨的寒冷使她苏醒过来。After half a dozen glasses of whisky he collapsed and could not be revived.六杯威士忌酒下肚,他便昏倒了,然后就醒不过来了。His trial revived memories of French suffering during the war.他的受审重新勾起了在战争中受苦受难的法国人民的回忆。The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived.空气清新,有那么一会儿她感觉恢复了活力。How can the department be revived from its present moribund state?怎样使该部门从目前的停滞状态中恢复生气?She ended up doing commercials, which ironically revived her acting career.她最后只好去拍广告,具有讽刺意味的是,这却让她的演艺事业获得了重生。




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