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词汇 一整天
例句 I spent all day cleaning the house.我花了一整天时间打扫屋子。I've been trying to write this essay all day and I have nothing to show for it.一整天都在努力写这篇文章,可是没什么进展。We walked around the city all day seeing the sights.我们一整天都在市区步行观光。I spent the whole day just bumming around the house.一整天都在家里闲着没事。He's starving all day, then gorging at night on a burger, shake, and fries.他饿了一整天了,晚上狼吞虎咽地吃了一个汉堡、一杯奶昔和一堆炸薯条。I've been slaving away all day while you've been out enjoying yourself.一整天都在拼命地干活,而你却在外面痛快玩乐。They looked fretted and tired from the day's work.一整天的工作使他们看起来烦躁又疲惫。I've had fuck all to eat all day.一整天什么也没吃。I spent the whole day running around doing errands.我花了一整天时间四处跑腿办事。Workmen were tromping through the building all day.工人们一整天都在大楼里走来走去。A soft spring rain had fallen all day.春雨蒙蒙,下了一整天An old song has been rattling around in my head all day.一首老歌在我脑海中回荡了一整天After a long day walking across the hills they had worked up quite an appetite.他们在山里走了一整天,食欲大增。I'm sure you'll want to clean up after a full day of traveling.旅行了一整天,我想你一定想梳洗一下。It rained all day long.雨下了一整天My feet are tired and achy from walking all day.走了一整天,我的脚又累又痛。I spend all day running around after the family.一整天都跟着这家人跑来跑去。She has been teasing her mother all day for some money.一整天缠着母亲要钱。The whole day was bad, but the topper came when our car broke down.一整天都很糟糕,但更糟的是我们的汽车又坏了。It took a whole day of hard effort to knock down the wall.努力苦干了一整天才把墙拆掉。He had been in an ornery mood all day, arguing with everyone who got in his way.一整天脾气都很坏,跟每个妨碍了他的人都发生了争吵。We did a good day's work today.我们今天干了一整天的活儿。I've been trying to raise Jack/Tokyo all day.一整天都在试图与杰克/东京取得联系。She's had nothing to eat or drink all day.一整天既没吃的也没喝的。She told me not to stop by today - she'll be out most of the day running errands.她叫我今天别去探访,她差不多一整天都要在外面跑腿。Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group.我们每个月聚在一起一整天,轮流担任领队。We haven't got all day, so please get to the point.我们的时间并没有一整天,所以请直切正题。I spent the day taking photographs of the city.我花了一整天的时间拍摄这座城市的照片。A whole day without chocolate must be torture for you.一整天没巧克力吃肯定让你很难受。I have sole charge of both children all day.我一个人要照顾两个孩子一整天She's spent all day stocking up on new paraphernalia for her shop.一整天都在为自己的商店置办新用品。I felt crummy all day yesterday.我昨天一整天都觉得不舒服。That's the best idea you've had all day.那是你一整天里想出的最好办法。A full day's teaching exhausts me.一整天课令我精疲力竭。She had been a little edgy all day.一整天都有点儿焦躁。I didn't so much as catch sight of him all day long.一整天都没见他人影。There was a steady rain all day.一整天都在不停地下雨。Ellen spent the day in the hills and sought me out when she returned.埃伦在山里呆了一整天,并于回来后找到了我。We were pooped after a long day of work.工作一整天后我们都累坏了。He's been poncing about all day.一整天都无所事事。




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