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词汇 revalue
例句 We need to revalue the stock options.我们需要对优先认股权重新估价。Most analysts predict that the country will revalue before the end of the year.大多数分析员预计这个国家在年底之前将调整汇率。Three of the nations are expected to revalue their currencies soon.预计其中三个国家将很快调整它们的汇率。It is now usual to revalue property assets on a more regular basis.更加频繁地对不动产进行重新估价如今已很平常。Under state law, the town is required to revalue residential properties every five years.按照州法律,小镇每五年需对住宅房地产进行重新评估。Countries enjoying surpluses will be under no pressure to revalue their currencies.享有贸易顺差的国家不会面临货币升值的压力。




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