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词汇 responsible
例句 Today managers and personnel officers are jointly responsible for investigating complaints of discrimination.现在管理人员和人事部门官员共同负责调查有关歧视的投诉。Don't blame me. You are responsible for your own problems.别怪我,你应该对自己的问题负责任。The central bank is responsible for setting interest rates.中央银行负责确定利率。Pesticides are sometimes responsible for contamination of watercourses.河道污染有时是杀虫剂所致。It's your decision - you can't hold me responsible if it goes wrong.是你作的决定,出了差错你不能让我来承担责任。The floods were responsible for over a hundred deaths.洪水造成一百多人死亡。You've got it all wrong. I never meant to imply that you were responsible.你完全误解了,我从来都没想暗示你负有责任。The government is directly responsible to the electorate as a whole.政府直接对全体选民负责。To a certain extent, I am responsible for the delay.在一定程度上,我对拖延负有责任。I am holding you directly responsible for this.我要追究你对此事的直接责任。Schools have adopted a very responsible attitude towards the problem.学校对这一问题采取了非常负责的态度。Ludlam was responsible for making Ridiculous Theatre something of a cult.荒诞派戏剧的风靡要归功于勒德拉姆。Police believe a local gang is responsible for the recent burglaries.警方相信最近的这些入室盗窃案是当地的一个犯罪团伙干的。Freud, more than anyone, was responsible for the establishment of psychology as a science.弗洛伊德对确立心理学为一门科学的贡献比任何人都大。He was responsible for a whole heap of TV successes.许多电视节目的成功都是他的功劳。They finally caught the gang responsible for the armed attacks on foreigners in Dakar.他们终于抓获了在达喀尔武装袭击外国人的歹徒。He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.他正在努力使自己由单身汉转变为有责任心的丈夫。The prime minister and his ministers are all responsible to Parliament.首相和大臣们都要对议会负责。His critics maintain that he's responsible for many of Algeria's ills.他的批评者们坚持认为他应该为阿尔及利亚所面临的许多难题负责任。If there is an accident, the owner of the vehicle will be legally responsible.如果发生事故,车主将依法承担法律责任。He still felt responsible for her death.他仍然觉得自己对她的死负有责任。She is responsible for the determination of wage levels within this company.她负责确定该公司内部的薪资水准。They recommended the creation of a new government agency to be responsible for the environment.他们建议新成立一个政府机构来负责环境问题。Is he responsible enough to have a car?他现在买车可以让人放心吗?Bechler may be behind some of the problems, but he is not the only person responsible.有些问题可能是贝希勒的责任,但要负责的并非只有他一人。She felt responsible for her team's recent fizzle. 她觉得自己对团队最近的失败负有责任。The General holds the rebels responsible for inflaming the situation.将军认为叛乱者是造成形势激化的原因。She's responsible for training new recruits.她负责训练新成员。Animals are not moral creatures and are not responsible for their actions.动物没有道德观念,因此不对它们的行为负责。Well, who's responsible for this mess?对了,谁该对这么乱七八糟的局面负责?It's still unclear who was responsible for orchestrating the attack.究竟是谁策划了这起攻击事件,目前尚不清楚。They hold me responsible.他们认为我负有责任。The committee is responsible for organizing the dance.委员会负责组织这场舞会。If he so much as harms a hair on her head, I won't be responsible for my actions.如果他胆敢动她一根毫毛,就别怪我不客气。I firmly believe that we are responsible for what happens to us in our lives.我绝对相信我们生活中所发生的事责任都在我们自己。He holds me responsible for the project's failure.他将这个项目的失败归咎于我。Those responsible for the error suddenly found themselves under the gun.为此错误承担责任的那些人突然发现他们处于巨大压力之下。The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.管理员负责校舍的保养维护。Resources must be allocated in a morally responsible way.资源分配必须要对得起良心。The local police are hopeful of catching those responsible for the graffiti.当地警方有望把乱涂乱画的人抓起来。




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