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词汇 倒霉的
例句 This stupid flashlight won't work.这只倒霉的手电就是按不亮。England lost the match on that ill-fated day.英格兰队在那个倒霉的日子输掉了比赛。Roger had us in hysterics with his account of his disastrous trip to Italy.罗杰讲起他那次倒霉的意大利之行,把我们笑得都控制不住了。The evil day may come when your reputation gets dragged through the mud.你的名声坏掉的时候,倒霉的日子恐怕就要来了。The ill fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel.这艘倒霉的船偏离航道误入浅水区,被另外一艘船撞上了。Don't delay, you're only putting off the evil hour.别耽误时间,这倒霉的时候你只不过是往后拖一拖而已。This is but one example of what can happen when things go badly wrong.这只不过是在倒霉的时候会发生的那种事情。I got into an accident and suffered a cut on my arm. Worse, my car was totaled.我出了车祸,胳膊上划了个口子。更倒霉的是,我的车全毁了。Bad things happen to the best of us.我们当中最优秀的人也会碰上倒霉的时候。The luggage unfortunately remained on the platform.倒霉的是行李被遗忘在车站月台上了。The people who get the short end of the stick are those whose income is just too high to qualify for help from the government.倒霉的是收入正好高那么一点、没有资格取得政府资助的那些人。Val's one of the unluckiest people I know - on Monday her car was stolen and the day after she fell and broke her arm.瓦尔是我认识的最倒霉的人之一。星期一她的汽车被盗,第二天她又摔断了胳膊。She was unfortunate enough to have been chosen as an example.她被抓了个典型,真够倒霉的Have it your own way. You'll be sorry. It's your funeral.你自己看着办吧,你会后悔的。你可要倒霉的The low point in my life was when I was hit by a drunk driver.我这一生中最倒霉的时刻是被一个醉酒驾车的司机撞了。It's been a terrible week and now, to cap it all, I've got a cold.这一周真是糟透了,更倒霉的是,我现在又得了感冒。The ill-fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel.这艘倒霉的船偏离航道误入浅水区,被另外一艘船撞上了。The hapless passengers were stranded at the airport for three days.倒霉的乘客在机场滞留了三天。It was the worst week of my life. It was ghastly.这是我这辈子最倒霉的一周,别提有多烦了。Only a serious mischance will prevent him from arriving tomorrow.只有碰上极倒霉的意外变故,他明天才会来不了。This has got to be the worst day of my life.这是我一生中最倒霉的一天。It was rough on him, being out of work.他失业了,够倒霉的I banged my flipping head on the top of the door.我头撞门上了,真够倒霉的If the strike continues, the people of Galway will be the real losers.如果罢工继续下去,真正倒霉的将是戈尔韦地区的人。Keep away, or you'll get into trouble.别来参与,不然你会倒霉的His classmates lumbered him with an unfortunate nickname.他的同学们给他起了个倒霉的绰号。I feel sorry for the little blighter.我为这个倒霉的小家伙感到难过。The boss says you must wear a tie. And God help you if you don't.老板说你得打领带,如果不听你会倒霉的She was unlucky enough to get a flat tire on the way to her job interview.她真够倒霉的,去面试的路上车轮胎瘪了。We were short of money. Added to that, we were lost!我们钱不够。更倒霉的是,我们迷路了!I've been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub.我已经乘这条老爷船在海上航行了四个倒霉的星期。It's bad luck to step on the cracks in the pavement.踩到人行道上的裂缝是很倒霉的事。My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap.我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事给弄得乱了套。It's a black day for the car industry.这是汽车业倒霉的一天。England's footballers are back home after their ill-fated trip to Algeria.英格兰足球队结束了倒霉的阿尔及利亚之行,回到了国内。This really isn't my day - my wallet was stolen and now I've lost my car keys.今天我可真够倒霉的——先是钱包被偷,现在车钥匙又丢了。If the banks opt to pull the rug from under the ill-fated project, it will go into liquidation.如果这些银行不再对这个倒霉的项目提供支持,它也就破产了。The weeds have run riot over our poor garden. 我们倒霉的花园里到处都是肆意横生的杂草。It was bad luck on Alex that he was ill on his birthday.亚历克斯过生日那天病倒了,真够倒霉的I went through a bad patch a few years ago: I lost my job and then my wife left me.几年前我有过一段很倒霉的日子:先是丢了工作,随后老婆也离开了我。




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