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例句 I am not going to degrade myself by responding to these baseless accusations.我不会降低身份回应那些毫无根据的指控。Supermarkets often claim that they are responding to the wants of consumers by providing packaged foods.超市经常声称他们根据消费者的需要提供包装食品。She chided him for not responding to her Christmas cards.她责备他没有回她寄的圣诞贺卡。They have been rather tardy in responding to our request.他们迟迟不答复我们的要求。A large part of the work is responding to e-mails.这个工作的大部分内容是回复电子邮件。The computer industry is in constant flux, responding all the time to changes in technology.随着技术的不断变化,电脑产业也一直处于不断的变化之中。It seems likely that Wiseman was responding to a letter written prior to Smith's death.似乎怀斯曼正在回复一封在史密斯去世之前写的信。The business world is responding to changes in technology. 商业界正在对技术领域的变革做出反应。The company has earned kudos for responding so quickly to customers' concerns.这家公司因对顾客意见回应迅捷而赢得赞誉。He's only responding to nature's call.他只是因为憋得慌,上厕所去了。These patients are responding well to the new drug.这些病人对新药的反应很好。She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding.她在回答之前犹豫了一下。She wasn't moving or responding, but he detected a slow heartbeat.她不动,也没有反应,但是他感觉到有慢慢的心跳。Supermarkets are responding to increased consumer demand for organic products.消费者对有机产品的需求增加,超级市场正作出回应。They were very prompt about responding to my request.他们非常及时地对我的要求做出了回应。I'm afraid she isn't responding to treatment.恐怕她的治疗没有起作用。Criticism has been leveled against the government for not responding to this crisis.因为政府没能对此次危机做出反应,批评的矛头直指政府。The patient is responding well to treatment.病人对治疗反应良好。I'm pleased to say that he is now doing well and responding to treatment.我很高兴地说,他现在恢复得不错,治疗取得了积极的效果。With regard to the chaos after the earthquake, many people believe the government is at fault for not responding quickly enough.鉴于地震后的混乱,许多人认为政府反应不够迅速,因而负有责任。He said he wouldn't dignify his opponents' accusations by responding to them.他说他才不会去抬举对手、理睬他们那些谴责呢。She drew a deep breath before responding.她在回答之前深吸了一口气。The President's critics say he has been too timid in responding to changing international developments.批评总统的人认为他在应对风云变幻的国际局势时过于瞻前顾后。Their son is responding well to the treatment.他们儿子的治疗效果还不错。The patient is responding to the treatment. 这个病人用这种疗法有效果。Trimble may find himself on the firing line for not responding to the escalating violence.特林布尔未能对迅速上升的暴力案件采取措施,有可能受到公开指责。She is responding positively to the treatment.她的治疗效果很好。He paused a moment to consider before responding.在回答之前,他停顿了片刻想了想。Government ministers have been responding to the challenge thrown down by their former colleague.政府部长们一直在应对从前的同事的公然挑战。He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him.他正在回应关于有人密谋暗杀他的报道。The police exercised great restraint by not responding to the insulting remarks of the protesters.警察对示威者的辱骂采取克制态度而未作任何反应。She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.对公众为响应这个呼吁所表现出的极大慷慨,她发言表达了万分感激。




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