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词汇 the public
例句 The campaign aims to inform the public of the dangers of this disease.该活动旨在让公众了解这种疾病的危险。Messages encrypted using the public key can be decrypted only by someone with the private key.用公共钥匙加密的信息只能由有私人钥匙的人来进行解密。The war programme won't sell with the public.这项战争计划不会被公众所接受。It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.令人气愤的是,那些数字并没有公开。He always postpones his private ambitions to the public welfare.他总是把个人抱负置于公众福利之后。She accused the minister of equivocating, claiming that he had deliberately avoided telling the public how bad the problem really was.她指责部长含糊其词,称他故意不让公众知道问题真正严重到了什么地步。His generosity has endeared him to the public. 他因慷慨而受到市民的爱戴。They appear to have misjudged the public mood on education.他们似乎错误地判断了公众对教育的态度。The speaker expounded his views to the public.演说者向公众详细阐明他的观点。The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe.垃圾处理业发现很难让公众相信其操作是安全的。Money would be better spent training members of the public in life support skills such as the kiss of life.可以把钱投到训练公众提高急救技能上面,比如掌握人工呼吸方法,这样钱会花得更有价值。Most charities rely on voluntary contributions from the public.大多数慈善团体依赖公众自愿捐献。This is a reflection of the inadequacy of the public hospital system.这反映了公立医院系统无法满足需求。Experts reassured the public that the accident wouldn't happen again.专家让公众放心,这种事故不会再发生了。Passing sentence, the judge told Kelly that the public needed protection from him.宣判时,法官告诉凯利公众需要他的保护。The committee is composed of MPs, doctors, academics and members of the public.委员会由议员、医生、学者和普通民众组成。He tried to deceive the public into thinking the war could still be won.他试图欺骗公众相信这场战争仍能打赢。The software has entered the public domain.该软件已经不受版权保护。His speech was an accurate reflection of the public mood.他的讲话是公众情绪的准确反映。The aide was hired to keep the governor's slovenly brother out of the public eye.雇用这个助手是为了不让州长的邋遢弟弟受到公众的注意。The commissioner moderated the public meeting.特派员主持了这次公众集会。We need to educate the public about this dangerous disease.我们一定要让公众了解这种危险的疾病。The guidelines require this information to be made available to the public.指导方针要求将这一信息公之于众。He was riding high in the public opinion polls.他在民意调查中大受欢迎。You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.没有哪对夫妇比迈克尔和莉齐更受公众关注。The plan was spoken to the public.该项规划已向公众公布。The two organizations paired up to educate the public about the threat of global warming.这两个组织联合起来对公众进行有关全球变暖威胁的教育。This information was previously unavailable to the public.这样的信息以前公众是无法获知的。MPs as a group are held in low esteem by the public.下院议员在公众当中普遍口碑很差。Television has spellbound the public.电视已迷住了公众。The government has been accused of nannying the public.政府被指责像保姆一样过分干涉公众生活。Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to the public.白金汉宫向公众开放时,比尔是首批进去参观的人之一。The family's philanthropy made it possible to build the public library.这家人的慈善之举使得公共图书馆得以建立。They did their best to shield their children from the public gaze.他们尽最大努力来使他们的孩子免受公众的关注。They attempted to practice deception on the public.他们企图蒙骗公众耳目。This decision shows the public that we mean business.这个决定向公众表明我们是认真的。His bad action was scorned by the public.他的恶劣举动遭到大家的白眼。The actor feeds on admiration from the public.演员从公众的赞扬得到力量。The decision reached has due regard for the safety of the public.作出的决策对公共安全给予了应有的关注。Politicians need to be in touch with the public mood.政客们需要了解公众的心态。




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