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A lawyer or doctor who is struck off the official register of the profession is debarred from practising.被从正式的职业登记册中除名的律师或医生不准继续开业。Harry expects to follow the profession of lawyer.哈利希望以律师为业。He retains a deep respect for the profession.他对这个职业仍然深怀敬意。He soon came to revise his opinion of the profession.他很快就改变了对这个职业的看法。Teachers have a lot to do, but time spent in the classroom is the meat and potatoes of the profession.老师们有许多事情要做,但是,把时间花在课堂上是其职业的最重要部分。If the profession wishes to restore its reputation, it must get its act together.如果该行业想要恢复声誉,就必须行事有章法。Nurses are leaving the profession in droves.护士大批大批地改行。Entry standards into the profession are set to rise further.进入这个职业的标准肯定要进一步提高。The majority in the profession enjoy their work and are well paid for it.业界大多数人都热爱自己的工作,并且收入丰厚。Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.行业清理整顿需要严厉的措施。Many teachers are thinking about leaving the profession for more highly paid careers.许多教师在考虑辞职去从事薪酬更高的工作。Teacher training has to evolve to meet the changing demands of the profession.教师培训必须改进,以满足这一职业不断变化的需求。The doctor talked to students who are thinking about entering/joining the profession.医生与正考虑加入这个行业的学生们谈话。A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.一些有献身精神的医生多年来一直努力指导业内同仁。Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.增加女性工程师聘用人数会有助于改善业内员工的性别失衡。Research is the cornerstone of the profession.调查研究是这个职业的基础。Those are advantages that attach to the profession.那些都是从事该职业的种种有利条件。The trend of doctors going to work abroad is seen by the profession as a serious indictment of the NHS.医生纷纷去国外工作的趋向被医务界同行看作是对国民保健制度的一种严重不满。Disillusioned teachers were leaving the profession in large numbers.失望的教师在大批离开教育界。His disability was no bar to his entry into the profession.他生理上的缺陷并没有成为他从事这一行业的障碍。Nurses advance the profession through active involvement in their professional organizations.护士通过积极参加专业团体推进了该行业的发展。The leaflet was written in jargon that would have been totally incomprehensible to anyone outside the profession.传单里用的是行业术语,业外人士完全无法理解。Schools of nursing are the principal entrance to the profession.进护士学校是投身护士职业的主要途径。Research is the corner-stone of the profession.研究是这一职业的基础。The number of nervous disorders in the profession was rising.该行业患神经紊乱的人数正在上升。He deprecated the low quality of entrants to the profession.他对该行业中新人的低素质予以了批评。 |