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The management compared unfavourably with the previous owners.现在的管理层比之前的老板要相对逊色。The new government will have to clear up the mess left by the previous government.新政府得收拾前政府留下的烂摊子。Prices broke far below the previous low levels of the year.价格猛跌到本年先前低水平以下的极低点。The director and the actors watched the rushes from the previous day's filming.导演和演员观看了前一天拍摄的样片。The last part of the trilogy is a distinct improvement on the previous installment.三部曲的最后一部明显比上一部有提高。Europe may finally cook poor Hague's goose just as it did for the previous two Tory leaders.就像对待前两位保守党领导人那样,欧洲最终可能会把可怜的黑格搞下台。If you missed the previous episode, Alistair Cooke starts off each week by recapping the story so far.如果你错过了上一集也没关系,每个星期,阿利斯泰尔·库克都会在节目开始之前简要重述剧情发展。All memory of the previous day seemed to have been wiped from Lavinia's mind.有关前一天的所有记忆似乎都已经从拉维妮娅的脑海中抹去了。This policy is a holdover from the previous administration.这项政策是上届政府留下的。The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.提议与莫斯科举行会谈标志着西方立场的重大转变。The house had been renovated by the previous owner.前一位房主翻修过这栋房子。Her lecture compared the policies of this administration to the previous one.她的讲座比较了本届政府与上一届政府的政策。It is certain that Rodney arrived the previous day.罗德尼是前一天到的,这一点是肯定的。If a flare-up occurs, increase the dose to the previous level.如果病情复发,就把用药剂量增加到先前的水平。Dr Owen had served as Foreign Secretary under the previous government.欧文博士担任过前一届政府的外交大臣。She was made uncomfortable by his veiled allusion to the previous night.他对头天晚上的事闪烁其词令她感到不快。There was relative calm after the violence of the previous night.前一晚的暴力事件过后,出现了相对的平静。The emotional and physical strain of the previous day had left him exhausted.前一天情感和体力上的过度紧张使他感到筋疲力尽。The gambler called the previous player by making an equal bet.那个赌客下同等赌注叫上家摊牌。One bad harvest could wipe out all of a grower's profits for the previous two years.一次歉收可能会将种植者前两年的收益全部抵消掉。Cole's style is decidedly more formal than the previous manager's.科尔的待人处事风格显然比前任经理要更拘谨。He had arrived in London the previous evening.他前一晚到达伦敦。The desk was left by the previous tenant.书桌是上一个房客留下来的。She had seriously damaged her left knee in the previous game.她在前面的比赛中左膝严重受伤。He'd had enough melodrama the previous night at the hotel.前一晚他在酒店里经历了足够多的戏剧性事件。The filing cabinets had all gone with the previous occupants.那些文件柜都被之前的用户搬了个精光。She was narrowly beaten in the previous election, but she won this time.在上一次选举中,她被对手险胜,但这一次她获胜了。With a few minor exceptions, the new edition is much like the previous one.除了几处小的修订之外,新版本与前一个版本没有什么两样。The company had a breakout year last year, tripling its profits from the previous year.去年公司的生意大有起色,利润达到前年的三倍。We began by reviewing the previous day's work.我们开始先回顾前一天的工作。I had met them the previous day.前一天我和他们见过面。The secretary circulated the minutes of the previous week's meeting to all committee members.秘书向所有委员会成员分发了上周的会议记录。With regard to the proposed new shopping mall, I would like to add a few remarks to those of the previous speaker.关于提议的这个新的购物中心,我想给前一位的发言补充几句。It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week.上星期刚下过雨,天气却出奇地干燥。She was hired to replace the previous manager.她受雇来接替之前的经理。Appeals court judges overturned the previous ruling.上诉法院的法官推翻了之前的判决。They had met once the previous year.他们在前一年曾经见过一次面。Stewart was foaming at the mouth about an incident the previous afternoon.斯图尔特正为头天下午的事情而大发脾气。We inherited the furniture from the previous tenants.我们从先前搬走的房客那里接收了这些家具。The fabric of society has been deeply damaged by the previous regime.社会结构已遭到上届政府极大的破坏。 |