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词汇 therapies
例句 We combine orthodox treatment with a wide range of complementary therapies.我们把常规治疗和一系列补充疗法相结合。The Department of Health has initiated a process of statutory regulation for complementary therapies.卫生部已经启动对辅助疗法进行依法管理的程序。I knew from past experience that alternative therapies could help.根据过去的经验,我知道替代疗法可能有用。Further studies will be needed to see if these therapies have any value.这些治疗是否有效需要进一步研究。Alternative therapies have been successful with a whole gamut of health problems.替代疗法对各种健康问题都有疗效。The book tries to steer you through the maze of alternative therapies.这本书旨在引导你在错综复杂的替代疗法中找到方向。People need to be able to select from a range of therapies.需要给出多种疗法让人们选择。Alternative therapies are suggested for patients who refuse conventional medical treatment.对于拒绝接受常规治疗的病人,会建议使用其他治疗方法。The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten.患者按十分制给这些治疗方法打分。The difficulties women encounter with their doctors partly explain why so many of us are looking to alternative therapies.我们很多人都寄望于替代疗法,个中原因从女性看医生所遇到的困难可知一二。Massage is one of the oldest therapies.按摩是最古老的疗法之一。The book tries to steer you through the maze of alternative therapies.本书旨在就各种非传统疗法为您指点迷津。




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