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Gandhi was the prophet of non-violent protest.甘地是非暴力抗议的倡导者。They listened to the words of the prophet.他们听著这个预言家的话。Let us hear the words of the prophet Isaiah on the coming of the Prince of Peace.让我们聆听先知以赛亚关于和平之王来临的预言。Drawing a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed is considered blasphemous by the Muslims.画先知穆罕默德的漫画对回教徒来说是亵渎神明的。The Eid commemorates the prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's command.开斋节是纪念先知亚伯拉罕甘愿依照上帝的旨意把儿子献祭的事迹。 |