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词汇 rejected
例句 My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.我的老师不肯相信我的迟到理由。The plan was rejected on economic grounds.这一计划出于经济考量而遭到摒弃。Several publishers rejected her book, but that just made her all the more determined.几个出版商拒绝出版她的书,但那恰恰使得她更加坚定。The General Assembly rejected the resolution on the subject of arms control.联合国大会否决了关于军备控制的决议。The other company rejected their proposition.另一家公司拒绝了他们的提议。They rejected our estimate and suggested a lower figure.他们拒绝接受我们的估价,提出了一个较低的数目。The angler for the position was rejected.这个用不正当手段谋取职位的人遭到拒绝。They gave me the tough job of telling applicants that they'd been rejected.他们把难办的差事交给了我,要我通知求职者他们的申请被拒了。She rejected the arguments that had been deployed against her.她反驳了那些事先准备好用来批评她的论据。The court rejected their petition.法庭驳回了他们的上诉。She was rejected by her peer group.她不为同龄人所接纳。He wanted to ask her on a date, but he was afraid of being rejected.他想要约她,但又怕被拒绝。I've been rejected hundreds of times, but if you don't try you never will get a job, will you?我被拒绝了无数次,但是如果你不去尝试,就永远找不到工作,你说呢?He said that the peace plan would be rejected because it needed more work.他说和平计划会被否决,因为还需要进一步修改。I rejected the teaching that premarital sex was immoral.我反对宣扬婚前性行为不道德的说教。Lauren rejected her parents’ offer of financial help.劳伦拒绝了父母提出给她的经济帮助。The Security Council has rejected the latest peace proposal.安理会拒绝了最新的和平提案。The patient's body rejected the heart transplant.病人的身体排斥移植的心脏。Feminists rejected traditional notions of the role of women in society.女权主义者拒绝接受传统的女性社会角色的观念。He rejected claims that he had affairs with six women.他否认有关他和六个女人有染的说法。He rudely rejected her kind offer of help.他粗鲁地拒绝了她好心提出的帮助。The beliefs which now hold sway may one day be rejected.现在占主导地位的信仰有朝一日可能会被摒弃。The Secretary of State offered his resignation, which the President promptly rejected.国务卿提出辞呈,即刻遭到总统的拒绝。The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.下议院已以压倒性的投票驳回了恢复对谋杀罪处以死刑的要求。If there is the slightest blemish the piece is rejected.作品如有丝毫瑕疵都被拒绝接受。They accepted some applications and rejected others.他们接受了部分申请,拒绝了其他申请。To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected.使我感到失面子的是:我的稿件被退了回来。The committee has rejected our proposal. Instead, they have brought forward an alternative plan.该委员会已经否决了我们的提议,取而代之的是他们提出的一个替代计划。His work was rejected again and again, and he grew more and more despondent.他的作品一次又一次被退回,他越来越泄气了。They rejected their parents' political beliefs.他们摒弃了父母的政治信仰。She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.在去往戛纳的途中,她拒绝了他的挑逗。After much discussion of the plan, the idea was rejected entirely.经过对方案的多番讨论后,这个想法被全盘否定了。She is a cancer sufferer who has rejected orthodox medicine and turned instead to acupuncture and other forms of alternative medicine.她这个癌症患者已经摈弃了正统治疗方法,转而求助于针灸及其他替代疗法。She rejected the traditional values of her society.她拒绝接受她这个社会的传统价值观。The electorate resoundingly rejected them at the last election.上次选举时,他们彻底被选民抛弃了。She rejected the insinuation that she was partly to blame.她反对影射她要负部分责任的说法。He rejected the plan out of hand.他轻率地否决了这个方案。The Senate passed/rejected the bill.参议院通过/否决了这项议案。This interpretation of Karma is rejected by orthodox Hindus.对羯磨的这种解释被正统的印度教所摒弃。The committee rejected my proposal/idea/suggestion/motion.委员会拒绝考虑我的提议/观点/建议/动议。




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