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词汇 rehearsed
例句 His mother rehearsed his lines with him and by the time the play opened he was word-perfect.他妈妈跟他对台词,到演出开始时他已经背得滚瓜烂熟了。Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right, rehearsed down to a T.露西什么都追求十全十美,样样都不能出一点问题,要准备得滴水不漏。She mentally rehearsed what she would say to Jeff.她在心里复述着要对杰夫说的话。Walker rehearsed his apologies to Clare.沃克把要向克莱尔道歉的话在心里默默地过了几遍。These are arguments that I've heard rehearsed at meetings many times before.这些论点都是我多次在会议上听到的老生常谈了。He rehearsed his dance moves in front of the mirror.他对着镜子反复练习舞步。She rehearsed her speech until she was word-perfect.她反复练习,直到把讲稿背得滚瓜烂熟。The children rehearsed all the happenings of the day to their father.孩子们向他们的父亲讲述了一天中的全部事情。He had his speech well rehearsed.他反复练习演讲稿。On her way to her interview she silently rehearsed what she would say.在去面试的路上,她默诵了一下要说的内容。Yesterday's speech to the Scottish party conference rehearsed the arguments again.昨天在苏格兰党人会议上的演讲中又一次重复了这些观点。They rehearsed Act One from the top.他们从第一幕的开头开始排练。 We rehearsed our National Day programme all afternoon.我们整个下午都在排演国庆节的节目。The musicians rehearsed (the symphony) for the concert.乐师们为音乐会排练(交响曲)。He rehearsed to me the events of the previous evening.他向我详述了前一晚发生的一件件要事。He will have to be rehearsed on his part.他必须反复排练以熟练掌握自己所演的角色。He rehearsed all his sufferings in prison.他历数自己在狱中所受的种种折磨。His mother rehearsed his lines with him and by the time the play opened he was letter-perfect.他妈妈跟他对台词,到演出开始时他已经背得滚瓜烂熟了。During the workshop, they each rehearsed their part in the performance.在研讨班期间,他们就各自扮演的角色进行了排练。Her story sounded rehearsed. 她对事情的描述听起来像是背诵。The conductor rehearsed the musicians before opening night.乐队指挥在首演夜之前领着全队乐师排练。These arguments have been rehearsed on many occasions.这些论据在许多场合重复过多遍了。Angie rehearsed what she was going to say on the phone.安吉演练了她在电话中要说的内容。I hadn't rehearsed it properly and I panicked.我之前没有好好排练,于是惊慌失措。She had carefully rehearsed her resignation speech.她认真排练过她的辞职演说。




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