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He's always got his eye on the bottom line.他总是盯着盈亏情况。They predict they'll reach breakeven within two years.他们预测两年内将达到盈亏平衡点。Chief executives have to look beyond the next quarter's bottom line.主管们必须看得长远些,而不只是盯着下季度的盈亏底线。How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?利率上升对我们的盈亏状况会有什么影响?We balanced the profit and loss to see what had been gained.我们比较盈亏情况,看看赚了多少。These costs are expensed through the profit-and-loss account.这些花费都被记录在盈亏账簿上。He keeps a careful eye on the bottom line.他密切注视着盈亏一览结算线。In business, the name of the game is the bottom line.做生意最要紧的就是盈亏的数目。How will these changes affect our bottom line?这些改变将对我们的盈亏产生什么影响? |