例句 |
The third baseman caught a hopper. 三垒手接住了从地面弹起的球。He popped to the second baseman in the first inning.他在第一局击出了个小腾空球,飞向二垒手。He overthrew the first baseman. = He overthrew first base.他投球越过了一垒手。The batter popped up to the second baseman.击球手击了个小腾空球,飞向二垒手。The batter fouled out to the first baseman.击球手因界外腾空球被一垒手接住而出局。He hit a high pop fly to the second baseman.他击出一个高高的小腾空球,飞向二垒手。He hit a liner to the first baseman.他朝一垒手打出一记平直球。The second baseman was spiked by the runner. 二垒手被跑垒员的鞋钉刺伤了。 |