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例句 His voice reaches to the back of the auditorium.他的声音能传到讲堂的后排。There are few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.女性很少在行政部门中身居高位。My art reaches an increased audience through reproduction.我的画作通过复制而得以拥有更多的观众。Once a kid starts fighting back and becomes a delinquent, he reaches the point of no return.一旦小孩子开始还手,并成为一名少年犯,那他就无路可退了。A person reaches his majority at the age of 21.一个人二十一岁达到法定成年。A drug that is injected reaches the brain faster than if it is smoked or sniffed.注射毒品比吸食或以鼻吸入的方式要更迅速地使药效到达大脑。He dreamed of exploring the outermost reaches of space.他梦想去探索太空最遥远的地方。This dress actually reaches down to my ankles.这条连衣裙的裙摆直到我的脚踝。An old man's memory reaches back over many years.老人的记忆跨越岁月回到久远的往昔。The plant reaches maturity after two years.这种植物两年后就到达成熟期。This mountainous road keeps meandering toward the East until it reaches the sea.这条山路一直朝东蜿蜒而行,到达海边为止。This year water levels in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze are unusually high.长江今年中下游的水位都过高。While you were still playing Club Penguin, I was exploring the farthest reaches of the deep web.当你还沉迷于企鹅俱乐部的时候,我已经在探索深度网络的最高境界了。The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point where he can walk correctly and safely.治疗将一直持续到病人可以正常并安全地行走。Snakes nested in the nether reaches of the cave. 蛇穴居在洞穴的深处。Her hair reaches down to her waist.她的头发垂到了腰部。His music reaches/achieves its apotheosis in this album.他的音乐在这张专辑中达到了巅峰状态。The sun rises, reaches its zenith and sets.太阳升起,到达天顶,然后落下。Their land reaches the river.他们的土地一直延伸到河边。The country's farthest reaches had not been explored.这个国家最边远的地区尚未得到开发。The action slows in the middle reaches of the play.在全剧的中间,情节进展速度慢下来了。A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height.女孩子在长足个头之前可能会发胖。They lingered in the lower reaches of the Football League.他们一直徘徊在足球联赛靠后的位置。The excitement reaches its crescendo when he comes on stage.他走上台时,观众的兴奋程度达到了极点。He does not pause for breath until he reaches the top floor.他直到到了顶楼才停下来喘了口气。Finally she reaches the peroration of her monologue.最终,她说到了独白的结束语部分。Scientists are still discovering the far reaches of the human mind.科学家们仍在探索更深层的人类思想。The computer doesn't mimic human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means.计算机并没有模仿人的思维,而是通过不同的手段达到了相同的目的。The opera reaches its climax with Violetta's death in the third act.第三幕中维奥莉塔之死使歌剧达到了高潮。If news of the break-in reaches the boss's ears, we're in trouble.如果非法入室的事情传到老板的耳朵里,我们就麻烦了。The sun reaches its highest point in the sky at noon.太阳在午时升到最高点。They are casting anxious glances over their shoulders towards the nether reaches of the Premiership.在总理任期临近结束时,他们惴惴不安。She reaches retirement next May.她明年五月就到了退休年龄。Every day another batch of papers reaches the manager demanding his attention.每天都有一批新的文件交到经理手里,要他处理。The temperature reaches the maximum at noon.中午时气温最高。His face collapses when the baby preferentially reaches for the mother.当这个婴儿最先把手伸向母亲时,他脸色一沉。The eagle reaches dizzying heights.雕飞到了令人眩晕的高度。Their land reaches to the river.他们的土地一直延伸到河边。That coat reaches your ankles, shorty!那件外套长得都到你的脚踝了,矮子!When the temperature reaches a certain level the machine will switch off automatically.温度达到一定程度时,机器会自动关闭。




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