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词汇 rating
例句 His popularity rating is at an all-time low.他的支持率创下新低。New public opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.新发起的民意调查显示,总统支持率为就职以来最低。Indonesia's local currency rating was raised by two grades.印度尼西亚的本国货币评级提高了两个等级。The bank wouldn't give me a loan because they said I had a bad credit rating.银行不愿意贷款给我,因为他们说我信用等级差。The rating a film gets reflects the opinions of our reviewers.一部电影的评级反映了我们影评员的观点。A rating exercise codifies and formalises these often nebulous perceptions.进行评分可以把这些常常含糊不清的看法正式确定下来。The governor's approval rating with the voters is going up. 选民对州长的支持率正在上升。Movies are given a rating of one to five stars according to merit.影片根据优劣按一到五星评级。The judges gave her the maximum rating on style.裁判们给她的风度打了最高分。The school has got a good academic rating.这所学校学术地位高。The school has an above-average academic rating.这所学校的学术评级在中等以上。Most countries try to preserve their international credit rating in order to secure necessary loans.大多数国家都努力维护国际信用等级以确保得到必要的贷款。Harold's rating of his brother's creations wasn't very flattering.哈罗德对他兄弟创作品的评价不怎么地。Failure to repay a student loan can ruin that person's credit rating.不偿还学生贷款会损害本人的信用等级。The film got an R rating.这部电影被定为限制级。Harold's rating of some of his brother's creations wasn't very flattering.哈罗德对他兄弟的某些创作的评价并不是太恭维。The president's approval rating had risen.总统的支持率上升了。The overall performance rating puts the new model well ahead of its main rivals.这个新型号的总体性能评定远远高于其主要竞争产品。The resort got a low rating for children's facilities.这个旅游点的儿童设施等级不高。White stripes on the cuff are the seamen's insignia of rating.袖口上的白色条纹是水兵的军阶识别符号。He has the highest opinion-poll rating of any president this century.在民意调查中,他的受欢迎程度在本世纪的总统中是最高的。The university scored a top rating among students.这所大学在学生中最受欢迎。The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating and marital status were ignored altogether.对这些数据按照所在街区进行了分析,但像信用等级、婚姻状况等其他关键变量则一概忽略不计。The President's approval rating is lower than it was a month ago. 总统的支持率比上个月低了。




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