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词汇 railways
例句 The red lines on the map represent railways.地图上的红线代表铁路。He works on the railways.他在铁路系统工作。She's worked on the railways all her life.她一辈子都在铁路系统工作。In spite of adverse public opinion, the plan to privatize the railways continued.尽管公众舆论持反对态度,铁路私有化的计划仍继续进行。Britain's railways have always been embattled, but it was last year's crash at Hatfield that plunged the system into crisis.英国铁路总是麻烦不断,去年发生在哈特菲尔德的撞车事故更是使整个系统陷入危机。The railways have been doing booming business this year.铁路今年一直生意兴隆。Leaves on the line are an expensive problem for the railways.处理铁轨上的落叶对铁路公司而言是一个耗资巨大的工程。The American Civil War was the first to see railways used as an adjunct to military operations.在美国南北战争中,铁路被首次用来辅助军事行动。Britain's railways are big business.英国的铁路部门规模巨大。Most countries have enthusiastically embraced the concept of high-speed railways.大多数国家都已经欣然接受了高速铁路的概念。Safety needs to be improved on all our railways.我们所有的铁路都要加强安全。Highways and railways help out with the transportation problem.公路和铁路有助于解决运输问题。The country railways provided a vital social service.乡村铁路提供了重要的社会服务。With the coming of railways, new markets opened up.铁路的建成打开了新的市场。The railways carry millions of tons of freight every year.铁路每年运送数百万吨的货物。In recent years, governments have tried to cut the Gordian knot by imposing cuts in state support to the railways.近年来,政府重拳出击,减少了对铁路部门的资助。Investment in the railways will bring a corresponding improvement in services.对铁路的投资会带来服务的相应改善。Two of the steam trains have been loaned to other railways.其中两列蒸汽火车借给别的铁路公司了。The government took over the railways, hoping to remedy confusion and inefficiency.政府接管了铁路,希望杜绝混乱和效率低下的情况。Without state subsidies, the railways couldn't survive.没有政府补贴,铁路营运就无法维持。The railways will remain publicly owned and accountable.铁路将继续公有并对公众负责。Three iron ore producers have clubbed together to argue for new railways.三家铁矿石生产商联手,主张修建新铁路。The company's tentacles spread from car manufacturing to railways.公司的触角从汽车制造业伸向了铁路运输业。Bombing had made roads and railways unusable.轰炸使得公路和铁路都无法通行。Guyana's railways were previously owned by private companies.圭亚那的铁路之前是归私人公司所有的。The question now is whether the railways will flourish or wither.现在的问题是,铁路会蓬勃发展还是会逐渐消亡。The government plans to sell the railways piecemeal to the private sector.政府计划逐步将铁路私有化。The railways had been nationalized.铁路已经国有化。Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。These were the first railways, the first means of crossing wide open spaces that are still vast and untamed, even today.这些是最早的铁路,荒漠的土地上最早的交通工具,而这些土地甚至在今天依然广袤如初,荒无人烟。There were calls to increase public funding for the railways.有些人呼吁增加投入铁路的公共资金。The railways were plunged into chaos this morning when train drivers decided to go on strike.今天早晨火车司机决定罢工,铁路系统陷入混乱。We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.我们先研究了让私营企业投资铁路等大型项目的方式。This tragic accident has eclipsed the two disasters on the railways last year.这次悲惨事故令去年铁路上的两场灾难相形见绌。There's been a record number of complaints about the standard of service on Britain's railways.对英国铁路服务水平的投诉数量创下新高。The parcels were misrouted on the railways.包裹由铁路发送时路线错了。




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