例句 |
Quit dragging—walk faster.别拖拉一走快点。Quit your wisecracking.别再说俏皮话了。Quit rubbing up against me like that.别这么在我身上蹭。Hey you two! Quit goofing off and do some work!嘿,你们两个!别偷懒了,快做点事吧!Quit being such a wiseacre and help your mother.别总自以为是了,帮一下你母亲吧。Quit jiving me and just tell me where you were!别骗我了,告诉我当时你在哪儿!Quit stalling and tell me where she is.别拖延时间了,告诉我她在哪儿。Quit being a wise guy.别自作聪明了。Quit being a smart-ass and behave yourself.别神气活现的,放规矩点儿。Quit fooling around and pay attention.别再瞎闹,专心一点。Quit razzing me!别拿我开心啦!Quit whining and finish your dinner.别嘀咕了,快把饭吃完吧。Quit going on at me all the time!别老是数落我!Quit acting like a fool.别再像个傻瓜一样了。Quit teasing him. He's obviously in no mood for joking.别取笑他。他显然没心情开玩笑。Quit biting/chewing your fingernails.别再咬指甲了。Quit farting around and finish your work!别再闲逛了,把你的活干完!Quit whinging and get on with the job.不要再嘀咕了,好好干活。Quit nagging! I already said I'm not going.别啰唆了!我已经说了我不去。Quit screwing around and get back to work.别瞎晃了,回来接着干活。Quit dragging your feet and make a decision!别逃避了,作个决定吧!Quit that! You're driving me crazy.停止!你都快把我逼疯了。Quit the pious apologies - I know you don't really care.别假惺惺地道歉了——我知道你并不是真的在乎。 |